Friday, 18 Oct 2024

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Tax cuts can revitalise flagging Tory fortunes

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Tax cuts can revitalise flagging Tory fortunes

Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in Westminster Abbey, the first satellite – Sputnik – was launched into space and Britain went to war in Korea.

That distant decade, the post-war 1950s, was also the last time the UK groaned under such a high tax burden.

The fact that the current crippling level has been allowed to happen under a Conservative government is truly depressing.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury John Glen admits he is ‘alarmed’ at how much people and businesses are having to pay.

He’s not alone. The great majority of Tory voters are utterly disillusioned by the failure of successive chancellors to cut taxes.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury John Glen (pictured) admits he is ‘alarmed’ at how much people and businesses are having to pay

What is Jeremy Hunt (pictured) going to do about it? After the King’s Speech was greeted in many quarters with indifference, the upcoming Autumn Statement takes on greater importance for the Government

What is Jeremy Hunt going to do about it? After the King’s Speech was greeted in many quarters with indifference, the upcoming Autumn Statement takes on greater importance for the Government.

Unless voters begin to feel better about themselves and the economy, the Tories have little chance of winning the next election.

So Mr Hunt must ditch the caution and pledge to use some of the £13billion ‘fiscal headroom’ he has got to give voters what they crave – more money in their pockets.

Lower taxes reward hard work and aspiration, create jobs and investment, and boost growth. An increasingly weary electorate needs a good reason to vote Tory. Tax cuts are the very thing to revive the party’s flagging fortunes.

Met chief’s gamble

It is the profoundest irony. Were it not for the brave men and women we honour on Armistice Day making the ultimate sacrifice, the mobs staging protests on Saturday would not enjoy the freedom to do so.

The organisers of the pro-Palestine marches had the chance to do the right thing and postpone – not cancel – their rallies.

We shouldn’t be too surprised, though, that they didn’t. Many participants actively scorn our values of tolerance.

While many people have simply marched for peace, each protest held since Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Jews has seen incitement of violence and anti-Semitic hatred.

Scotland Yard chief Sir Mark Rowley (pictured) insists he has the manpower to prevent clashes

The Met’s spinelessness in the face of disorder has led to a counter-demonstration with the aim of ‘defending the Cenotaph’.

Scotland Yard chief Sir Mark Rowley insists he has the manpower to prevent clashes. We would have more confidence in him if he had spent less time on a Left-wing podcast, disdaining the Home Secretary’s decision to call the protests ‘hate marches’.

Rishi Sunak has rightly taken the unusual step of warning the top officer he will be held accountable if trouble flares.

This is one of the most solemn days in the calendar. Sir Mark must make sure things don’t go wrong. His neck is on the line.

A lack of humanity

For callous indifference, the eco-zealots of Just Stop Oil take some beating.

Among the vehicles caught in congestion caused by Leftie cranks lying in the road on Waterloo Bridge yesterday was an ambulance with its blue lights flashing.

Despite a paramedic begging them to budge so he could attend an emergency, they refused, endangering patients.

The group says it is not prepared to stand by while climate change condemns millions to die. If these hysterics really care about their fellow humans, staging puerile stunts that risk lives is an odd way of showing it. 

When the 2021 census found those whose main language was not English were far more likely to identify as trans, it was obvious to anyone with an iota of common sense the figures were cobblers. Now the ONS has admitted many respondents simply didn’t understand what they were being asked. Ministers use the data to plan public services, so this has serious ramifications. And who helped shape the question? The LGBTQ+ lobby.

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