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Daily horoscope for February 20, 2022 – The Denver Post

Moon Alert: There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Libra.

Happy Birthday for Sunday, Feb. 20, 2022:

You have poise and grace. You are empathetic and intuitive, and you reserve judging others until you know their side, because justice is important to you. Relationships are also important to you. This year is the beginning of a new nine-year cycle. Be courageous, be curious and be ready to open any door!

The stars show the kind of day you’ll have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult


(March 21-April 19)


Zip thy lip today, because it’s easy to lose your temper when dealing with parents, bosses or the police. You will react! You might even be in the right. But too often, things get worse when you fight with authority. Wait until things cool down. Tonight: Stay frosty.

This Week: Bosses and parents are receptive to your creative ideas.


(April 20-May 20)


Avoid discussing politics, religion and racial issues today, because people are looking for a fight. Everyone is touchy and defensive. That means this is a poor day for an intelligent discussion about anything important or emotionally loaded. Tonight: Just coast.

This Week: Travel and big ideas appeal to you.


(May 21-June 20)


Don’t get embroiled in disputes about shared property, insurance issues or inheritances. Wait until Tuesday to discuss these matters, because you will more easily arrive at an agreement, which is what you want. Tonight: Be reasonable.

This Week: Count on help from others.


(June 21-July 22)


Patience is the antidote to anger. Today it’s easy to be angry with partners and close friends or a family member. But this only makes everyone miserable. Your solution? Practice patience. Let this pass. Tonight: Stay chill.

This Week: People admire your ethics and generosity.


(July 23-Aug. 22)


It’s easy to feel discouraged today. You might see everything that comes your way as a threat, which makes you react defensively. Perhaps you are being overly sensitive. Chill out. This is an illusion. Everyone loves you. Guard against accidents! Tonight: Relax.

This Week: Co-workers are supportive.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)


Disputes about money and possessions might arise today. You might feel someone is doing something on purpose to annoy you. This is probably not the case. Guard against rash actions and being too hasty. Stay chill. Tonight: Let things unfold.

This Week: You’re full of creative ideas!


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)


Avoid needless disputes and feelings of irritability today. Guard against knee-jerk reactions when dealing with others, because you will be tempted to bark at someone. The truth is, nothing is worth getting upset over. Practice patience. Tonight: Easy does it.

This Week: Redecorate your home and help family.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)


This is an accident-prone day because you might be rash or hasty. Therefore, be mindful and aware. Don’t try to win an argument. Don’t try to convince others to agree with you. Relax. Tonight: Be tolerant.

This Week: You appreciate your surroundings.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)


Relations with friends and groups are tricky today. You might feel the need to confront someone. Or you might think someone is trying to challenge you. You feel a strong need to express your grievances, but what will this gain? It might help; it might not. Tonight: Be strong.

This Week: You feel generous to family.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)


Today you might feel attacked by authority figures, which makes you feel distrustful or defensive. This could make you emotionally aggressive. This is possible because the Moon is in your sign being agitated by Mars. Stay cool. Tonight: Listen.

This Week: You have creative energy and drive!


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)


You might have a difference of opinion with a friend or a member of a group. Because you feel emotionally invested, you will take things personally. You might unfriend someone on Facebook. This is temporary. Tonight: Stay chill.

This Week: Relax and allow ideas to come to you.


(Feb. 19-March 20)


Quarrels with a group or a friend about sharing something, using equipment or how to spend a specific amount of money might arise today. Perhaps you don’t like the approach others are taking. You might feel cheated out of your fair share. This problem will fade quickly. Tonight: Patience.

This Week: Strengthen bonds with others.


Actor Sidney Poitier (1927), singer-songwriter Rihanna (1988), actress Brenda Blethyn (1946)

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(c) 2022 by King Features Syndicate Inc.

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