Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Covid 19 Delta outbreak: Covid-19 cases reported in Taranaki

Six new cases of Covid-19 have been found in Taranaki.

Stratford District Mayor Neil Volzke confirmed that all six cases were in Stratford.

These Delta cases, the first in the region, come after a number of recent wastewater tests in Stratford tested positive for Covid-19.

Taranaki DHB’s Public Health Unit yesterday confirmed that two or three further wastewater results taken in Stratford came back positive.

The Ministry of Health says all six cases are clearly linked and there is a clear link to the current Auckland outbreak.

One person has been hospitalised at Taranaki Base hospital this evening.

The other five affected people are currently isolating at home.

“I was informed tonight that Covid test results today showed six positive results. All six cases are in the Stratford area,” Stratford District Mayor Neil Volzke said.

“I am pleased we have been able to identify the source of Covid in our wastewater and the health authorities are now working with the infected people.”

Volzke says it’s important people continue to be vigilant.

“The most important thing now is containment, and I strongly encourage anyone with flu-like symptoms or feeling unwell to get tested as soon as possible.”

The health board is encouraging anyone in Stratford, or any recent visitors to the town with Covid-related symptoms, no matter how mild, to get tested.

Testing stations will be set up at the Stratford pop-up clinic at the War Memorial carpark and the Taranaki Base Hospital.

The Ministry said locations of interest will be available once determined.

Source: Read Full Article

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