Tuesday, 24 Sep 2024

Civil Aviation Authority investigator on site of North Canterbury plane crash

A Civil Aviation Authority investigator is heading back to the site of a light plane crash in North Canterbury yesterday.

The aircraft nose-dived in a farmers’ paddock near Rakahuri Rd, in Glentui, shortly before lunchtime.

Two men, one with moderate and one with serious injuries, were taken to Christchurch Hospital – one by helicopter, one by ambulance.

Police at the scene say two men, although one suffering serious injuries, have had a lucky escape.

“The reason for the crash is unknown at this stage but it appears they have been flying at low level and have clipped powerlines and ended up crashing in a farm paddock,” said acting Senior Sergeant Rob Irvine.

Two men, one with moderate and one with serious injuries, have been taken to Christchurch Hospital – one by helicopter, one by ambulance.

CAA is investigating and will take the lead.

“They are very lucky,” Irvine said.

“From what we can see here, but luckily it looks like a low-speed crash at low-level.”

Ambulance, fire, and police all attended the scene.

MainPower, the local lines company, was also at the scene.

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