Thursday, 23 Jan 2025

Burnley takes depressing crown as England's new coronavirus hotspot – so how does YOUR hometown compare?

BURNLEY is England's new coronavirus hotspot with the highest seven-day case rate – but how does your town compare?

The latest figures for the seven days to September 23 are based on Covid-19 tests carried out in labs and the wider community.

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The rate is expressed as the number of new cases per 100,000 people.

228 new cases were recorded in the seven days to September 23 in Burnley – which is about 256.4 per 100,000 people.

This puts Burnley at the top of the list for Covid-19 cases for England.

The lastest figure is up from 145.1 in the previous seven days to September 16.

Liverpool has the second-highest rate increasing from 131.1 to 243.8 – and recording 1,214 new cases.

Not far behind is Knowsley where their case rate has increased from 132.6 to 241.9 – with 365 new cases.

The hotspot list is based on Public Health England data published on September 26 on the Government's coronavirus dashboard. 


It comes as Britain could be heading for another national lockdown with more than a quarter of people now living under tightened new restrictions.

Scores of coronavirus hotspots have emerged in large swathes of the country in recent weeks as cases rise and infection rates go up.

As a result, several regions – including all of the North East, Greater Manchester, Birmingham and Leicester, have been plunged into lockdown or given restrictions that limit households mixing and curfews.

17.5 million people are living under restrictions with Merseyside and Lancashire hit with new rules, along with Cardiff, Swansea and Leeds.

This means more than a quarter of the 66million population have now had their freedoms limited as a swathe of North West, Midlands and West Yorkshire spots all rolled back into local lockdowns on September 22.

London was added to the Government's coronavirus "watch list" as Mayor Sadiq Khan warned the city is at a "tipping point".

The North East was handed tougher new rules last week, with households banned from mixing, 10pm curfews imposed and restaurants and cafes limited to offering table service only.

This week alone saw coronavirus cases report record highs two days in a row.

The Health Secretary has refused to rule out a second national lockdown , amid fears Covid cases are spiralling as high as 38,000 a day and said the country faces a "big moment".

Matt Hancock revealed the latest data shows hospital admissions are now doubling every eight days, amid warnings that deaths will rise in the coming weeks.  

Reports previously suggested Professor Chris Whitty wanted a second two-week national lockdown, with fears the true number of coronavirus cases could have soared as labs struggle to keep up with testing.

While all of England is now having to adhere to the "rule of six" – which limits gatherings to half a dozen people – some entire regions are living with or soon face harsher rules.   

Boris Johnson hasn't ruled out another national shutdown – although with the increasing number of lightning lockdowns across many regions, much of the country is already living with enforced changes.

What are the latest lockdown rules in the UK?

  • All pubs, bars and restaurants must shut at 10pm
  • People should work from home if they can
  • Weddings slashed from 30 people to 15 
  • All indoor sports, including five-a-side football, have been put on hold – along with the plan for fans to return to sports stadia from October 1
  • Restaurants can only have table service available, although takeaway deliveries remain fine and safe
  • Face masks must be worn in taxis and other private hire cars, as the fines for not wearing one was doubled to £200 by the PM
  • Military will be brought in to help cops carry out the rules and ensure people are abiding by them

*Where local restrictions have been imposed, different guidance and legislation will apply.



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