Saturday, 29 Jun 2024

Brits may have to show a Covid vaccine passport to go to pub or restaurant

BRITS may have to show a vaccine passport to go to a pub or restaurant Dominic Raab suggested today.

Proposals to introduce documents to let immunised Brits lead a normal life are “under consideration” he said.

Whitehall has been looking at plans for vaccine passports to families to go on foreign holidays again.

But this is the first time a Cabinet minister has broken cover to say that businesses in the UK could use them to let in or bar punters.

He told LBC: “It is something that hasn’t been ruled out and is something under consideration.

“But of course you have got to make it workable.

“The thing, when I have looked at this – whether it is on the international, domestic or local level – you have to be confident the document being presented is something you can rely on.

“That it is an accurate reflection of the status of the individual.

“I am not sure there is a fool proof answer in the way it is sometimes presented. But we will look at all the options.”

Whitehall officials have been drawing up plans to use vaccine passports to let Brits jet off abroad for their summer holidays.

And Boris Johnson hinted they could be used to unlock all sorts of activities forbidden by Covid restrictions.

Quizzed on vaccine passports at a No10 press conference last week, he said:“When we’re in that different world, which I hope will be as soon as possible, then all kinds of apps and all kinds of possibilities will be open to us.”

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