Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Britain's longest serving Father Christmas, 75, who started at 18

Santa’s most dedicated helper! Britain’s longest serving Father Christmas stand-in, 75, is still bringing the festive magic to hundreds of children after first donning the famous red suit when he was just 18

  • Ray Hulse, 75, from Bridgenorth, Shropshire, first appeared as Santa Claus at 18
  • The retired tyre fitter and ex-miner has spent almost six decades as the stand-in
  • He has always loved Christmas and will try to keep going until 100th birthday

Britain’s longest-serving Father Christmas is still bringing the magic of Christmas to children after donning his festive red suit for almost 60 years. 

Ray Hulse, 75, from Bridgenorth, Shropshire, has given out thousands of gifts since stepping in as a stand-in Santa in 1962. 

He was just 18 when he was asked to appear as Santa at a children’s Christmas party at his village hall. 

2019: Ray Hulse aged 75 as Santa Claus (left). 1967: Ray, from Bridgenorth, Shropshire, when he first started spreading Christmas cheer (right) 

Ray has raised more than £55,000 for charity and has spent sex decades appearing in supermarkets and hospitals. Pictured aged 75 in Morrisons, Shrewsbury 

Ray still wears red even on his day off as he has been donning a Santa suit for 57 years

And despite turning down the invitation at first, he has never looked back since. 

Ray, a retired tyre fitter and ex-miner, has spent almost six decades appearing at hundreds of hospitals, schools and supermarkets as Father Christmas raising more than £55,000 for charity.

The father-of-two makes sure he always travels in style and has seen his sleigh pulled by a horse, a canvas-top Land Rover with a SANTA 1 number plate and a pony and trap over the years.

Ray says he has always loved Christmas and will even try and keep going until his 100th birthday.

He said: ‘It brings so much magic to so many boys and girl, at the same time trying to raise money for a good cause.

‘I hope that I raise quite a bit of money while I’m doing it, but also to try and give terminally ill children the best quality life. 

Ray Hulse in 1994 pictured with firefighters and children (left). Ray in 1994. He said seeing the ‘sparkle’ in children’s eyes gives him the motivation to keep going (right) 

‘That’s another reward itself, to see the sparkle in their eyes.

‘Christmas is a magical time for children. When a stranger’s child runs up and slings their arms around you – the warmth of that is such a blessing.

‘I’ve gone from being pulled around on a horse and trap to having a Land Rover with a ‘SANTA 1’ number plate on the roof and two speakers.

‘It’s also fitted with 200 LED lights that change sequence which brings a bit of added sparkle.

‘I find it very rewarding and I’ll keep on doing it for as long as I can.

Ray in 1995 appears with a golden retriever and sleigh (left). Ray swaps his reindeer for horses in 1995 (right) 

He added: ‘When people tell me I am the longest-serving Santa in Great Britain, it motivates me to keep going. Its nice to know I have a made a difference.’

Ray created his first grotto at a Ford Garage and since then has been a familiar face across his home country of Shropshire.  

Speaking about his first Santa appearance aged 18 he said: ‘I did it in the end but I was reluctant and had to borrow the outfit from someone. It turned out that I really enjoyed it.

‘Afterwards, when I got changed the kids said to me, ‘You were Father Christmas, weren’t you?’

Ray holds a cheque in a chimney in 1996 for £1,600(left). Ray appears with a dog and boy in 1997 (right) 

‘I obviously denied it until they pointed out the colour of the socks and shoes I was wearing were the same as Santas.

‘I then had the costume specially made. I went from being a simple Father Christmas to Santa Claus.

‘I went to an antique fair and I bought old spectacles to bring the character to life.’

For the past 29 years he has been raising funds for Hope House Children’s Hospices, which support sick children.

The grandfather-of-one decided to start raising money for terminally ill children following the loss of his son Nicholas in 2012. 

He said: ‘I think he would be proud of me now.

‘I’ll keep on till I turn 100 if I can. Just to bring joy and happiness to the children is great.

Ray pictured in 2019 with four-year-old James Griffin in Morrisons, Shrewsbury, who gives him the seal of approval 

‘I try to involve the parents. I’ll ask the kids if they had a real fire, then if they say ‘yes’, I’ll ask whether it was lit by their mummy or their daddy.

‘Sometimes I’ll joke with them, and tell them that they were naughty last year because their mummy or daddy left the fire burning and I burned my bum.

‘Or I’ll tell them I came down their chimney and got covered in soot and the elves had to repair my trousers and they weren’t very pleased.

‘A lot of modern houses don’t have chimney pots, so I tell the children that Santa has a magic key.

Ray with eight-week old Danny in Morrisons, Shrewsbury with a sign saying ‘my first Christmas with Santa Claus’ 

Ray said he is out most days in December as Santa Claus. The grandfather-of-one decided to start raising money for terminally ill children following the loss of his son Nicholas in 2012

‘It’s those little touches that make it special for them. It means I am out most days in December being Santa Claus, but I love it.’

The pensioner’s favourite memory from the last five decades is of being dressed up as jolly Saint Nick one Christmas morning in the 1960s.

Ray said: ‘I was walking up Ludlow Road with a pony and trap and it was when they had the old milk churns, back in the 1960s.

‘There was a man with the milk churn on the back of a lorry coming down the Ludlow Road, delivering milk.

‘He stopped and slapped the side of his face and said ‘Am I really seeing Father Christmas walking up the road with a pony and trap?’

‘He asked if I was real and I said ‘yes’. He said ‘Keep up the good work’ – so I’ve tried to do just that.’

Ray said his motivation to spread festive cheer comes from having a sad childhood which has driven him on for the last 57 years.

He added: ‘Every life is precious but I was an unwanted child.

‘My mother never said she loved me or even had a photograph of me anywhere in the house.

‘That’s even more reason why I do it, to give back to children what I didn’t get myself.

‘If I can bring that joy to them, well, then that’s what it’s all about.’

Source: Read Full Article

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