Wednesday, 25 Sep 2024

Brit mum tells how she escaped 'chilling' Madeleine McCann suspect's clutches when he stayed with her parents

A BRIT told how she escaped the clutches of the Madeleine McCann suspect when he stayed with her parents.

Christian B targeted Angie Dawes soon after the girl vanished.

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She said: “It makes me sick to my stomach.

Terrified Angie, then 32, said the German creeped her out after suddenly arriving at her remote Portuguese village.

He began work as a waiter at a restaurant near where her family lived — just a month after Madeleine’s disappearance in 2007.

Angie’s father soon became concerned about his disturbing behaviour — and the serial sex offender’s habit of silently leering at his daughter.

“To think I was around this guy just weeks after Maddie disappeared makes me sick to my stomach.

She recalled: “I met him at my parents’ house. Even though he was polite, on every occasion he was weird.

“He was memorable to look at. The blond hair with striking blue eyes.

“But he would just stare at me in a sleazy way for a minute or two without saying a word and not release his gaze.

“It was bizarre and made me feel very uncomfortable. His eyes chilled me to the bone.” 


Angie, now a mum of one, also said he later tried to track her down on social media.

She shuddered: “To think I was around this guy just weeks after Maddie disappeared makes me sick to my stomach.

“It’s absolutely horrible to be associated with him.

“He even tracked me down on Facebook. I can’t even think about it now without breaking down.

“He would send messages asking me about my family.”

“He even tracked me down on Facebook. I can’t even think about it now without breaking down.

Christian B claimed he was homeless after first meeting Angie’s family in Foral, Silves — around 40 miles from the McCanns’ holiday apartment in Praia da Luz on the Algarve.

They knew nothing about his history of child sex abuse — as well as the rape and torture of a 72-year-old American woman two years earlier.

But his sleazy manner did not go unnoticed.

Angie recalled: “Dad made a comment about how he must like me.

“It was summer time and I’d be wearing summer clothes. He was enjoying looking at me dressed like that by the way he would just stare me down.

“The situation was stranger because not much was ever said between us.

“He wasn’t very talkative — just, ‘Hello’ and ‘How are you?’. Dad was trying to lighten the mood which the guy had made awkward and intense with his leering.

“I would never let myself be left alone with him. I’d always make sure dad was there.”

She said he later contacted her online, adding: “He messaged but I wasn’t interested.

“I had seen enough to establish there wasn’t something quite right.”

Angie’s disclosures shed new light on Christian B’s movements in the wake of Madeleine’s disappearance.

“I would never let myself be left alone with him. I’d always make sure dad was there.”

Witnesses said he spent a number of weeks in Foral, but locals say police have never quizzed anyone in the area or carried out any searches.

Christian B was introduced to Angie’s family by the manager of the ramshackle restaurant where he worked — a German national known as Titania.

The paedophile insisted on being called Chris by Angie and her family.

He would often park his distinctive VW camper van near their house and sleep in it with his ferocious dog.


The German would do odd jobs in exchange for meals and showers at Angie’s family’s gated £200,000 home.

One one occasion, career criminal Christian B arrived with around 20 solar panels stacked up in his van.

They were worth thousands but Christian B would not say where they had come from.

He tried flogging them to Angie’s family but they guessed they were stolen and declined.

Christian B would eventually confide in Angie’s father about a troubled childhood — including how his own dad would savagely beat him.

He told them he later went to stay with his grandfather — but he died a few years later.

Christian B was already burgling houses and the death kicked off his nomad lifestyle.

He suddenly fled from Germany, a trick he would repeat later in life.

Angie recalled of his stay in 2007: “Later that summer he just disappeared one day — never to be seen again. He left the solar panels in the back garden.”

She was reminded of the weirdo again following last week’s international police appeal.

She said: “His face is all over the news and he’s accused of murdering Maddie. It’s heartbreaking.”

Christian B also traded drugs for sex with young girls at Algarve raves around the time of Madeleine’s disappearance, it was revealed.

A female partygoer recognised him from last week’s media coverage — and his distinctive camper van.

She said he was a familiar face at drug-fuelled bashes in woods near the hippy village of Barao de Sao Joao, a 20-minute drive from Praia da Luz.

The woman said she always thought the blond, blue-eyed pervert was English — and she revealed he hung around with a lookalike accomplice.

She said of Christian B’s sex-for-drugs deals: “It was a sort of payment in kind.

"He gave the girls weed and other things they wanted and in exchange they gave him sex because they didn’t have money to pay for the drugs. That was the way they did things.”

The woman, wearing a mask and speaking anonymously to Portuguese TV, said of his pal: “I thought the other man was a brother or a friend.

He gave the girls weed and other things they wanted and in exchange they gave him sex because they didn’t have money to pay for the drugs

“Both were tall and both were blond-haired.

“One had blue eyes and the other had green eyes. I thought both of them were English until I found out now one was German.

"I always assumed they were English because I always heard them speaking in English.

“I immediately knew the new Madeleine McCann suspect was him when I saw the camper van on TV.

"It was the one he used. The last time I saw him was in 2007 shortly before Madeleine vanished.”

Christian B allegedly confessed to his part in Madeleine’s abduction to a pal while watching a TV report on the 10th anniversary of her disappearance in 2017.

He is currently serving a seven-year sentence in Germany for the 2005 OAP rape.

His criminal record is loaded with 17 convictions including child sex abuse in 1994 when he was just 17.

It also emerged Christian B served two prison terms in Portugal and was freed five months before Madeleine disappeared.

Reports also linked him to an assault in 2016 and sex abuse in 2017 near Silves.

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