Friday, 28 Jun 2024

BREAKING: Dog that mauled boy, 9, to death at caravan park put down

Frankie MacRitchie was attacked by a “bulldog-type” breed while alone in a caravan on holiday in April. 

The dog, a seven-year-old named Winston, was owned by Sadie Totterdell, 28 – a friend of Frankie’s mum Tawnee Willis, also 28, from Plymouth, Devon. 

Police confirmed it was put to sleep on May 1 after the tragedy. 

An inquest was opened on May 3, and revealed Frankie’s death was caused by “multiple dog bites to the head”.

Det Insp Steve Hambly, from Devon and Cornwall Police, said: “The dog involved in the incident was put down last Wednesday with the full consent of his owner, having previously been housed by police since the day of the incident.”

Sadie and Frankie’s mum had reportedly gone to a nearby caravan at the Tencreek Holiday Park before the dog attacked. 

Tawnee could then be heard shrieking: “The dog’s attacked my boy.” 

Her screams alerted Sadie, who grabbed Winston and fled 22 miles to Plymouth – where she was arrested.

“Sadie is not good at all. It is just tragic”

Denise Totterdell

Sadie was later released under investigation by police probing possible offences of manslaughter and having a dog dangerously out of control.

Her mum Denise, 58, said: “Sadie is not good at all. It is just tragic.

“It is still too raw we are all trying to still just process it, especially for the family as well. It is just so, so sad.”

Source: Read Full Article

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