Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Brave young boy, 7, left with memory loss after suffering Covid before Christmas

While the death rate from Covid-19 remains comparatively low, in the UK hovering around 2.8% of cases, many survivors are experiencing a wide range of lingering symptoms known collectively as “Long Covid.”

Seven-year-old Logan Walsh recovered from a bout of coronavirus but is now struggling with a particularly strange side effect. He’s suffering from memory loss.

A specialist at Leeds General Infirmary, where Logan was treated, spotted the signs of PIMS-TS, or paediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome.

The condition can cause organ failure, insufficient blood flow, as well as other severe medical issues, meaning children need to be admitted to ICU.

Logan had to undergo steroid treatment and later developed a heart murmur that led to him being transferred to the Intensive Care ward.

Logan's body began to swell as it attempted to heal itself and his blood became dangerously thin.

The Bradford lad now frequently forgets little things that his mum has to remind him of, reports Yorkshire Live.

With Logan due to begin school work again, the family are worried that this new side effect will cause him problems.

Logan’s mum, Jessica Walsh, 47 said: "Now with his memory, he forgets some things which can be frustrating for him.

"He has no memory of the nine worst days when he was poorly, which we decided is probably a good thing.

"There was one particular day when I really thought we might lose him.

"But his memory in general is not brilliant as he remembered Christmas morning for a few days but has no recollection of it now.

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"We can remind him with bits and bobs," she said, "so we are really hoping that his memory improves, especially as he's starting a bit of school work again."

Jessica added that Logan is doing really well, however, and is getting back to normal.

"He is doing really well despite this, and we like to think he is almost back to his normal self."

"He does still struggles with the stairs a little," says Jessica, "he needs to hold onto something or use his hands on the floor but he's definitely improving.

"He just started trying to jump again and has managed a couple of inch off the ground which, bless him, he's so happy about!

"As a family, we even managed a little wander around Haworth to see how he went on and he did really well, managing an hour before we headed back to the car, getting him a little drink too."

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