Saturday, 19 Oct 2024

Boris Johnson’s emergency anti-terror laws presented to MPs TODAY to stop 50 terrorists from early release – The Sun

BORIS Johnson's emergency anti-terror laws will be presented to MPs today as the government moves to stop violent offenders being automatically released halfway through their prison sentences.

The new legislation will block approximately 50 terrorists from being let out early with ministers hoping it will be passed and official by the end of the month.

The new rules will apply to offenders sentenced for crimes such as training for terrorism, membership of a proscribed organisation, and the dissemination of terrorist publications.

It would see all and any offenders judged to still be a danger to the public remain in jail.

Instead of an early release, they will be forced to spend a minimum of two-thirds of their term behind bars before being referred to the Parole Board for consideration.

Justice Secretary Robert Buckland said: “No dangerous terrorist should be released automatically only to go on to kill and maim innocent people on our streets.

“Enough is enough. This Government will do whatever it takes keep the public safe, including making sure no terror offender is released early without a thorough risk assessment by the Parole Board.

“And we are not stopping there. We are stepping-up deradicalisation measures in our prisons, introducing a 14-year minimum for the worst terrorist offenders, and giving more money to the police to deal with these horrific crimes.”

The move comes after the Streatham terror attack, where Sudesh Amman was shot dead by police after he stabbed two people, just weeks after being released on licence from Belmarsh prison.

The release came halfway through his three years and four months sentence for possessing terrorist material.

The Government will also ensure that when a terrorist offender is released they will be subject to robust safeguards, which could include notification requirements, restrictions on travel and communications, and imposed curfews.

However, the proposed changed could infuriate human rights lawyers, who are tipped to argue it is unlawful to change the term's of someones release after they've been sentenced.

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