Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Bloke fighting for life after cutting off his penis and popping it in drawer

Emergency services were rushed to a home in Wollongong, near Sydney in Australia, on Wednesday afternoon after receiving a report that a man had deliberately cut off his own penis.

When New South Wales Police officers arrived, they found a 25-year-old man bleeding profusely from the groin.

The man reportedly told them that he had amputated his own penis with a multitool before placing the severed organ in a drawer and then calling for help.

The officers rushed the injured man, and the detached body part, to Wollongong Hospital where he immediately underwent emergency surgery and is understood to be in a critical condition.

The officers who arrived first on the scene are believed to have been offered counselling to help them get over what they saw.

It is unclear why the man chose to mutilate himself. NSW Police does not comment on self-harm incidents as a matter of policy.

A similar case was discussed in a paper published earlier this month in the Journal of Medical Case Reports by doctors from Chiang Mai University in Thailand.

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In that case, a 23-year-old Thai man, who was a regular cannabis user, smoked two bongs of cannabis, equivalent to approximately two grams’ worth.

A couple of hours later he began to experience an unwanted and very painful erection.

He also told doctors that the tip of the penis began to look “distorted”.

Hoping to relieve the painful swelling, he decided to “trim the penile skin several times” with a pair of scissors.

As that operation failed to stop the pain, he then cut off his penis entirely, leaving behind an inch-long stump.

Two hours after the amputation, the man was taken to hospital with severe bleeding. Surgeons worked to close the wound and fashion a flap of skin that enabled him to urinate almost normally.

By the time the man’s penis was recovered, though, it was “too dirty and fragile to be reconstructed and reattached”. When found, the detached organ was “crawling with ants,” says the report.

A psychiatric evaluation determined the now permanently penis-less man had suffered a psychotic episode related to excessive cannabis use.

“In summary, cannabis-induced psychosis is an adverse effect of cannabis, which may lead to impaired judgement and unexpected self-harm,” the paper stated.

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