Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

BBC Weather: SNOW and strong winds return to Europe as bitter frost ravages continent

BBC Meteorologist Matt Taylor forecast temperatures “well above average for the time of year”. In fact, much of Europe over the next few days remains with temperatures above where they should be. That said, things are cooler now towards the south east.

Mr Taylor told viewers: “The storm clouds are largely clear, although one or two are still there in the eastern Mediterranean.

“Plenty of cloud though running across the north, bringing outbreaks of rain through into Friday across parts of central and northern Europe in particular.

“Gusty winds to go with it, but there will be blue skies across the Balkans down through Greece, Turkey and also into Cyprus by Friday.

“So there’ll be better conditions here, still a bit blowy but temperatures will start to recover once again.”

He continued: “Central and western Europe will see the chance of a few showers, particularly the Balearics towards the eastern coastal areas of Spain.

“This is where we could see some heavy and thundery downpours.

“Portugal will stay dry and there’ll be a lot more cloud through France with a few showers seeing through the southern parts of Germany.

“Northern Germany, Denmark, low countries and Poland will see outbreaks of rain and gusty winds.”

The weather presenter added: “That pushes its way eastwards as snow through the Baltic states pulls into western Russia.

“Snow and strong winds return across the mountains of Norway.

“That could cause some issues, but through much of central and southern Europe, there will be some mist and fog patches, maybe a little bit of morning frost.”

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He said: “Most will stay dry, with the vast majority having temperatures above average.

“One of the cooler places, Madrid, will have some nighttime frost but blue skies overhead.

“But Paris and London will have temperatures well above average for the time of year.

“Rain could return at the start of next week and will arrive midweek in Athens again, but certainly a brighter spell on the way.

“A little bit of snow in Moscow but less than we normally see.”

Source: Read Full Article

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