Tuesday, 21 Jan 2025

At least 22 dead and 15 injured in horror crash between bus and truck in Brazil

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A packed bus crashed into a truck killing at least 22 people on board and leaving 15 more injured.

Since local police spokesman Alexandre Guedes declared 22 people had died in the crash, there have been reports attributed to the fire department stating the figure has risen to 37 deaths.

Pictures of the fatal incident on the outskirts of Taguai, 347 km west of Sao Paulo, Brazil at around 7am on Wednesday morning have been published by G1 GloboNews.

Firefighters told the media outlet that travelling on the bus were at least 40 employees from a textile company,

São Paulo Military Police spokesman Lieutenant Alexandre Guedes said the location of the crash made it hard for emergency services to get to.

Lt Guedes and tragically warned the death toll could continue to rise.

Survivors who came out of the collision with serious injuries were rushed to several different hospitals in the region for urgent medical attention, according to local officials.

The Taguai City Hall, in the interior of São Paulo, has decreed an official three-day mourning will be administered in the region for the lives lost in the accident.

Firefighters and the Highway Police of Piraju (SP) which is the largest city in the Taguai region, responded to the incident.

Police announced that once all the survivors had been rescued from the wreckage at 11:30 am, they would focus on removing all the remaining bodies from the scene.

Fatalities will be transported to the Legal Medical Institute of Avaré.

The road of the collision was closed off to motorists from 7am to 11am.

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