Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Annual Okanagan voice competition about building youth confidence

Sweaty palms, quivering voice, butterflies in your stomach: there are many reasons why people don’t become performers.

But more people should take on the challenge of singing in public, according to a judge at the Kelowna Kiwanis Voice Festival.

“Getting up and singing in front of people is so nerve wracking. However, once you’ve done that you have this sense of accomplishment that you’ve done something great,” Cathy Wilmot said. “Singing is fun.”

The annual competition not only offers scholarships and trophies, but competitors are also looking for professional direction through the process.

“I think it’s really important that these kids get helpful, objective feedback so they can continue to build their skills,” she said.

Wilmot believes funding should return to school art programs to give more children in B.C. a chance to follow their dreams of participating in the arts.

“I would just say don’t ever give up on your dream and don’t let anybody tell you that your dream doesn’t count or is invalid or that you should give it up and have a real job.”

The festival is underway at the Rotary Centre for the Arts until Apr. 11.

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