Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Adorable golden retriever just wants robot vacuum to play with her

Golden Retriever ‘becomes friends’ with a robot vacuum

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The playful pup, one-year-old Remmie, just can’t understand why his new pal doesn’t want to play. 

After the clip circulated on TikTok, viewers have called for the dog’s owner, Aubry TeBos, to get another dog to keep her company.

The beautiful dog was doing everything in her power to initiate a game, but couldn’t work out why her playfulness wasn’t reciprocated. 

The clip has been watched over 170,000 times on the video sharing app.

The caption reads: “When your parents won’t get you another friend so you have to become friends with the robot vacuum.”

In the footage Remmie can be seen dropping down low into a play bow as the robot vacuum makes its way along the side of a living room chair.

The dog starts to charge around the vacuum in a desperate attempt to get some interaction – all to no avail.

Letting the vacuum carry on, Rennie lets out a little bark and flashes a smile at the camera which has had people fawning over her cuteness on TikTok.

One user wrote: “The absolute joy on that beautiful face at the end.”

Another said: “Please get him a friend, he’s got so much love to give.”

A third wrote: “My golden has done the same thing and even figured out how to turn it on.”

Lovable goldens make up a huge portion of dog related content on TikTok, accounting for nearly 15 billion views.

In another clip that went viral this week, Sammy the golden won over the internet after rushing to wear his ‘cone of shame’, despite the fact that he wasn’t injured.

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In a TikTok video posted by his owner’s account @tell_your_dog_I_said_hii, his owner picks up the cone and holds it out in front of her.

Unusually for a dog, the retriever calmly trots straight over to her with a toy in his mouth and pushes his head straight through the hole.

He’s amassed over 777,000 views on the popular video sharing app with many people commenting on how adorable it is that he wants to wear it.

One wrote: “This has got to be the only dog in the world that enjoys this.”

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Source: Read Full Article

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