Saturday, 22 Jun 2024

Actress, 30, is spotted fawning over Harvey Weinstein in NYC

Actress, 30, is filmed sitting on Harvey Weinstein’s lap and dancing in front of him in exclusive Manhattan nightclub – but the pair deny romantic relations despite claims they dated last year

  • Shamed Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein received an obsequious reception from fans at an exclusive Manhattan nightclub event on Thursday
  • The 67-year-old alleged serial sexual predator was spotted by the NY Post sat inside Cipriani’s ‘Socialista’ lounge in SoHo
  • New Jersey born actress Alexandra Vino, 30, fawned most over Weinstein
  • She was seen  repeatedly sitting down on the ex-movie mogul’s lap and wrapping her arms around him on numerous occasions throughout the night
  • Vino, who recently in Mark Wahlberg’s Mile 22, also threw Weinstein a series of affectionate glances throughout her sultry performance on-stage
  • Cuban pre-revolutionary style lounge Socialista is where TV reporter Lauren Sivan says Weinstein cornered her in 2007 and masturbated in front of her
  • The latest sighting of Weinstein comes just weeks after an actress spotted him during an actor’s event in Alphabet City and branded him a ‘f***ing rapist’ 

Shamed Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein received an obsequious reception from fans at an exclusive Manhattan nightclub event on Thursday – including from one actress who was affectionately perched on his lap throughout the evening.

The 67-year-old alleged serial sexual predator was spotted by the NY Post sat inside Cipriani’s ‘Socialista’ lounge in SoHo, where he was approached by a number of patrons complimenting his cinematic ventures.

‘I love your movies,’ one man told Weinstein according to the outlet. However, it was New Jersey born actress Alexandra Vino, 30, who reportedly fawned most over Weinstein.

She was seen by the Post repeatedly sitting down on the ex-movie mogul’s lap and wrapping her arms around him on numerous occasions throughout the night.

Harvey Weinstein (left)was spotted by the NY Post sat inside Cipriani’s ‘Socialista’ lounge in SoHo, where he was approached by a number of patrons complimenting his cinematic ventures. However, it was New Jersey born actress Alexandra Vino (right), 30, who reportedly fawned most over Weinstein.

Weinstein ogled at Vino and another performer, Helga Rose, when they performed ‘Billie Jean’ and ‘There Boots are Made for Walking’, accompanied by a brass band, long into the night.

Vino, who recently starred in Mark Wahlberg’s Mile 22, also threw Weinstein a series of affectionate glances throughout her sultry performance on-stage.

It’s claimed the pair met through Rose last year and dated for several weeks. However, speaking to the Post, both denied claims of any romantic relations – with Weinstein even insisting Vino was not on his lap, rather sitting on the arm of his chair.

‘She is not canoodling me!’ he told the outlet.

Once located in the West Village, the chic Cuban pre-revolutionary style longue Socialista is where television reporter Lauren Sivan says Weinstein cornered her in 2007 and tried to kiss her.

When she rejected his advances, Weinstein is said to have told her ‘Well, you can just stand there and shut up,’ before unzipping his pants and starting to masturbate in front of her.

He then ejaculated in a plotted plant, Sivan revealed to the Huffington Post in 2017.

Despite the seriousness of the allegation, and the dozens of other sexual assault claims brought against him over the last two years, Weinstein was said to have been treated like royalty on Thursday night, with the red carpet truly rolled out from staff and patrons alike.

Vino (pictured mid-performance) was seen by the Post repeatedly sitting down on the ex-movie mogul’s lap and wrapping her arms around him on numerous occasions throughout the night.

Weinstein ogled at Vino and another performer, Helga Rose (seen right in both photos), when they performed ‘Billie Jean’ and ‘There Boots are Made for Walking’, accompanied by a brass band, long into the night. Vino allegedly met Weinstein through Rose last year and the pair dated for several weeks

The latest sighting of Weinstein indulging in New York City’s nightlife comes just weeks after an actress spotted him during an actor’s event in Alphabet City and branded him a ‘f***ing rapist’ in front of a stunned bar.

Weinstein turned up to watch Actor’s Hour last month, a recurrent event for young artists to showcase their talent at Downtime Bar in Manhattan.

Comedian Kelly Bachman was performing when she spotted Weinstein in the crowd and decided to use her platform to publicly eviscerate him. But she was then booed and told to ‘shut up’.

On the same night another woman at the bar, Zoe Stuckless, confronted Weinstein, shouting ‘I’m gonna stand four feet from a f***ing rapist and no one’s gonna say anything?’

Weinstein is filmed trying to ignore Stuckless while a Weinstein spokesperson later that the scene’ was uncalled for, downright rude and an example of how due process today is being squashed by the public, trying to take it away in the courtroom too.’

A woman at the bar, Zoe Stuckless, confronted Weinstein  in his seat and branded him a ‘f***ing rapist’

Earlier footage from the event posted to Facebook shows comedian Bachman bluntly tell the audience: ‘I’m feeling a little tense. Anyone else? I’m a comic and it’s our job to name the elephant in the room. Do we know what that is?’ It’s a Freddy Krueger in the room, if you will.’

She then quipped: ‘I didn’t know we had to bring our own Mace and rape whistles!’

In the clip, several men in the audience can be heard erupting into boos, before one tells her to ‘shut up’.

‘Oh, shut up?’ Bachman responds from the stage. ‘This kills at group therapy for rape survivors!’

Several women come to Bachman’s defense, clapping and cheering enthusiastically as she continues her set.

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