Friday, 3 Jan 2025

What FRIT means – how Margaret Thatcher’s word was used to sass Theresa May

Prime Minister Theresa May is speaking today in the House of Commons to announce she has decided to call off the vote on the Brexit deal.

She said it would "be rejected by a significant margin" and that’s why the vote has been delayed.

Labour MP Dennis Skinner in reaction to the news called May a ‘FRIT’.

"Mrs Thatcher had a word for it F.R.I.T – she’s a frit," he said.

Mrs May hit back saying: "And I have every confidence that if I had not listened to members of this House, then Mr Skinner would have stood up and complained about that."

But what does it mean?

What does Frit mean?

Frit means frightened. Mrs Thatcher used the word previously. It’s attributed to Lincolnshire dialect, referencing the Prime Minister’s background.

The definition isn’t quite accurate as ‘frit’ is used more widely than that.

It was used a lot by Thatcher’s rivals, who would call it out in the House of Commons.

"Is she frit?" and "Madame Frit?" were shouted out.

Mrs May is facing criticism – on both sides – for her decisions on the Brexit deal.

Jeremy Corbyn warned we find ourselves in an "extremely serious and unprecedented situation" with the deal pushed back.

He added: "The Government has lost control of events and is in complete disarray."

Mrs May wasn’t the only one that hit back when she was called a frit.

Dame Cheryl Gillan said: "Far from being frit, I think this Prime Minister has shown great courage in coming back to face this House, delay this vote in efforts to get the best possible deal for this country."

She added a second referendum would "let the voters down".

May agreed adding: "I think those people, many of whom voted for the first time when they voted in the referendum in 2016, will indeed question why should we vote in future if this Parliament does not deliver on that result."

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