Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Tories ‘won’t dodge blame for ending free TV licences for over-75s’

The Tories will not get away with shifting blame for cutting over-75s’, free TV licences, MPs were told.

Grilling Culture Secretary Jeremy Wright, Shadow Minister Steve Reed told a meeting: “He’s not going to get away with devolving the blame for his cuts.

“More than two million over-75-year-olds live alone and the Campaign to End Loneliness reports four in 10 say television is their main source of company.”

As Chancellor in 2015 George Osborne gave the BBC responsibility for funding the benefit from 2020.

But the Conservatives pledged at the 2017 snap election to preserve the perk for the length of this Parliament, due to run until 2022.

The BBC has begun a consultation which could curb free licences or raise the age threshold.

The Mirror is campaigning to save the perk.

Mr Reed, urged the Culture Secretary to “pledge now that no one over 75 and living alone will lose their free TV licence”.

But the Tory dodged answering, saying: “We want to make sure people continue to have access to all methods of support to deal with loneliness.”

The Government-funded scheme comes to an end in 2020, when the BBC takes over.

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