Theresa May’s boast about people backing her Brexit deal backfires magnificently
Theresa May’s attempt to show MPs her hasty tour of the UK to sell her Brexit deal to the public had been a roaring success quickly backfired.
The Prime Minister has been frantically travelling to all four nations to try to win over key sectors.
She proudly told the House of Commons: "Let me tell him who’s backing my plan – farmers in Wales, fishermen in Scotland.."
The comment about Scottish fishermen prompted a loud backlash in the Commons chamber.
Fishing has been a particularly contentious issue in recent days after French President Emmanuel Macron said the UK would have to stay in the backstop unless French fishermen were given access to UK waters.
It is of particular concern for Scottish Tories who are unlikely to back Mrs May’s deal unless she can stop
Farmers’ Union of Wales President Glyn Roberts warned yesterday that Mrs May’s plan was "ambiguous", adding: "We really need assurances from the UK Government".
After meeting the Prime Minister at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair, Mr Roberts said he had "significant concern" about the possibility of cheaper, lower-quality food imports.
He told WalesOnline that “assurances” are needed that Welsh farming will not lose out under the final deal after 2020.
It came as the two party leaders exchanged a stream of sharp zingers ahead of a potential TV debate.
Jeremy Corbyn mocked her claims about her deal – which faces a crushing defeat in Parliament on December 11.
"It’s not hard to be the best deal if it’s the only deal," he said. "By definition, it’s also the worst deal!"
He added: "MPs are queuing up not to back her plan.
"She’s gone from guaranteeing frictionless trade to offering friction, and less trade!"
The Prime Minister insisted her deal was an "ambitious, broad, deep and flexible partnership".
She snapped: "What does Labour have to offer? Six bullet points. My weekend shopping list is longer than that!"
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