Sunday, 30 Jun 2024

Theresa May could be PM for THREE more years after surviving confidence vote

Theresa May could stay on as Prime Minister for three more years, after she survived a vote of no-confidence in her leadership.

She is safe from another leadership challenge from her own party for 12 months after winning the vote.

But in a desperate bid to secure the backing of her MPs, she promised to quit before the next election.

This morning, she confirmed she will quit as Tory leader before the next general election, confirming reports she had told Conservative backbenchers last night that she would not lead the party into the 2022 contest.

But she would not give an exact date for her departure, and it could mean she stays on as PM for another three years.

Arriving at the European Council summit in Brussels, Mrs May said: "I have said that in my heart I would love to be able to lead the Conservative Party into the next general election.

"But I think it is right that the party feels that it would prefer to go into that election with a new leader."

Asked whether she had a date in mind to stand down, Mrs May said: "No. People try to talk about dates. What I’m clear about is the next general election is in 2022 and I think it’s right that another party leader takes us into that general election."

Mrs May added: "Yesterday … was a difficult day and I’m grateful for the significant support I’ve had from colleagues, but I’ve also heard loud and clear the concerns of those who didn’t feel able to support me.

"I know the concerns there are in the House of Commons about this issue of the backstop, and that they do not want it to be permanent.

"What I will be talking to European leaders about here today is about what I think we need to get this deal over the line."

She went on: "I’ve already met Leo Varadkar, I’m going to be addressing the European Council later, and I will be showing people the political assurances I believe we need to assuage the concerns that Members of Parliament have on this issue.

"I know the EU27 will also be discussing no-deal planning, and indeed the Government in the UK is discussing no-deal planning. But I think, as I’ve always said, the best arrangement for everybody – both the UK and the EU – is for us to agree a deal and get this deal over the line."

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Theresa May survives no confidence vote

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Source: Read Full Article

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