Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Sturgeon admits ‘there are no excuses’ over Covid breach as pressure grows on her to quit

Nicola Sturgeon apologises for breaching COVID-19 rules

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon told Holyrood that there are no excuses for her breaking COVID-19 guidelines. Ms Sturgeon was pictured talking to three people at a social distance but with her face uncovered during a wake.

The SNP leader said: “I want to take this opportunity to say how sorry I am for my breach of rules that I ask all of us to follow every single day.

“I took my face mask off while briefly attending a funeral last week.

“I am sure everyone will have seen in the media this morning a picture of me without it.

“I want to be clear today that regardless of the circumstances I was in the wrong, there are no excuses.”

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“These rules do apply to me just as they do everyone else and the rules really matter.

“I am kicking myself very hard possibly harder than my worst critic ever could.

“But more importantly, I will be making sure I do not drop my guard again.”

However, the SNP leader has suffered a backlash for her carelessness during the wake, with people calling for her to resign as Scotland’s First Minister.

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Some social media users took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the SNP leader’s Covid breach.

One said: “If you make the law, requiring millions of people to change their lives or face a fine, you need to follow the law, or resign. That’s politics.”

Another tweeted: “Just another politician who thinks the rules don’t apply to them #ResignSturgeon.

The Scottish Conservative Party also released a statement bemoaning the SNP leader’s coronavirus breach. 


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A Scottish Conservative spokesman said: “The first minister should know better.

“By forgetting the rules and failing to set a proper example, she’s undermining essential public health messaging.

“It’s a blunder that an ordinary member of the public wouldn’t get away with.

“There cannot be one rule for Nicola Sturgeon and another for everyone else.”

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