Thursday, 9 Jan 2025

Shameless Tories have propped up Theresa May like El Cid to save their salaries

Theresa May is the El Cid of Parliament, strapped to a despatch box when the Tory tribe know she’s already politically dead.

Conservative MPs are utterly shameless Self-servatives to prop the PM up for now to save their seats and incomes.

Denying Britain the General Election we deserve was the partisan politics of a mob terrified of judgement day at the polls.

What hypocrisy for 117 of them to express no confidence in May shortly before Christmas in a leadership challenge then vote against Labour’s no confidence motion in the Government.

What double-dealing from 118 of this lot to humble the Prime Minister by sinking her flagship Brexit plan then trot docile into a division lobby to express fealty.

If Jeremy Corbyn was half as bad as the Tory smearers froth, the Cons would be screaming for an election.

Instead they run away, knowing in their dark hearts that Labour’s plans to build a fairer, better Britain would capture the electorate’s imagination in the scrutiny of a contest.

Requesting fresh instructions from the electorate, in both an election and Europe referendum, is surely our democratic right when the Government rudderless and Labour, with Corbyn in No 10, would provide rejuvenating leadership at a moment of national crisis.

We’re in a deep hole and will never get out of this mess as long as May keeps digging.

She’s a major part of the problem, not the answer: the second worst PM this side of the war after David Cameron.

That we’ve been lumbered with successive duds over nine years is taking its toll.

The vicar’s daughter dumping deliberately impoverished families on the charity of Foodbanks lacks a moral compass.

We see the Tory toll in the calculated cruelty of Universal Credit and soaring homelessness.

We feel the Tory toll in the pain of longer NHS waiting lists and damage inflicted by cut school budgets.

We pay for the Tory toll in the longest wages squeeze since Waterloo and explosion of insecure jobs.

Stubborn, obstinate, pig-headed May’s incompetence and bad decisions brand her a liability we cannot afford.

Replacing her with a Tory PM in long trousers instead of a skirt would be no more than window dressing.

Jeremy Hunt or Boris Johnson or Dominic Raab or David Davis or A N Other from the Conservative wannabe leaders’ club would be a fresh face rather than fresh thinking and a fresh start.

Far from a guarantee any would be better than May we know they’re her accomplices in disastrous austerity and botched Brexit negotiations. 

The PM’s days are numbered yet it must be the people, not a Cabinet coup, determining who and what comes next.

May’s footnote in history is as a Tory who squandered a majority in an electoral gamble then headed the first Government to be found in contempt of Parliament before suffering the worst defeat in the history of the House of Commons.

Undoing her party’s damage and uniting a divided country will be hellish difficult but healing won’t start until she and they are gone.

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