Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025

Scheming Sturgeon’ continues Scottish Independence ‘farce’

IndyRef2: Ian Blackford grilled on SNP's election results

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Despite Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon vowing before the 2014 referendum that it was a “once in a generation” vote, she has now said that she and her government will find another way “for Scottish people to express their will”. On Wednesday morning, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the Scottish Government will need Westminster’s permission to hold a new vote.

The First Minister had introduced the idea of holding a second referendum on October 19 next year.

Despite the ruling from the Supreme Court, Sturgeon has remained firm on her desire to see IndyRef2.

On Wednesday, the First Minister said in Edinburgh: “We must, and we will find another democratic, lawful, and constitutional means by which the Scottish people can express their will.

“In my view, that can only be an election.”

She added: “As long as there is breath in my body, I refuse to give up on the basic principle of democracy.”

GB News Host Dan Wootton took aim at the First Minister, dubbing her “Scheming Sturgeon” and saying that the “Neverendum farce cannot go on”.

The host accused Sturgeon of ignoring the real issues which matter to Scots, saying that she “doesn’t give a damn”.

Mr Wootton said: “All she has left is grievance politics. Diversion, division, delusion. Because today’s devastating Supreme Court decision smashes her fanciful claim that she can hold a second independence referendum next year.

“Instead, she’s proving she doesn’t give a damn about plummeting Scottish living, health, and education standards in the midst of an unprecedented cost of living crisis.”

He added: “She claims she will ignore those issues that really matter to Scots to fight the next election on a shameful single-issue mandate of tearing the UK apart!”

Speaking in the House of Commons on Wednesday, former Prime Minister Theresa May declared: “This morning’s Supreme court decision gives the Scottish Nationalists, the SNP, the opportunity for once to put the people of Scotland first and end its obsession with breaking us apart.”

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Mr Wootton’s rant continued as he declared that Sturgeon’s repeated push for IndyRef2 is a “never-ending farce” that “must not go on”.

He concluded: “The Scottish people must see sense and realise scheming sturgeon is doing their great nation irreversible damage.

“This dangerous woman has now become a propagandist and is putting her people at risk.

“Today, the game must finally be up.”

Source: Read Full Article

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