Friday, 4 Oct 2024

Sadiq Khan slammed for focusing on classroom ‘misogyny’ as knife crime rages

Sadiq Khan launches 'Have A Word' campaign against misogyny

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The Mayor of London earlier this month launched the ‘have a word’ campaign which seeks to tackle violence against women. This could see children as young as four receiving lessons on misogyny in the classroom. The campaign pushes the message: “Male violence against women and girls starts with words. If you see it happening, have a word with yourself, then your mates.” But this, it has been suggested, reveals Mr Khan has his priorities all wrong.

GB News host Darren Grimes said the Mayor ought instead to tackle more pressing concerns for Londoners than words spoken by children.

He said: “How about Sadiq Khan focuses instead on the plague of knife crime on his streets instead of this nonsense in classrooms.”

Last year, the number of teenagers killed in London reached its highest level since 2008.

Thirty teenagers were killed in 2021, 27 of whom were stabbed to death.

Two of the others were shot and the final teenager died in an arson attack.

These figures represent only the number of teenagers involved in the crime – the total figure illustrating a much wider problem.

Many on social media took to show their support for Mr Grimes’s assessment that the Mayor’s focus ought to be centred elsewhere.

Anne Wraith joked: “Knife crime has been filed in his ‘too hard box’. It’s not trendy enough for him like misogyny and pronouns.”

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Christine Burgum added: “I don’t even get how Sadiq Khan is still Mayor.”

For Mr Grimes, lessons on misogyny were not just being inappropriately prioritised but were wrong in and of themselves.

He asked: “Is this the way to go about it? I don’t know about you, but I didn’t learn about misogyny at school and I don’t hate women…

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“How patronising, how utterly condescending, how indicative of a society that’s moving against men in such a shameless fashion.”

The ‘have a word’ campaign is, he added, “just another attempt to inject ‘wokeness’ into the classroom”.

Former teacher Gareth Sturdy agreed, writing in Spiked Online: “The most pernicious aspect of the campaign is that it will affect how young boys think of themselves. It is telling them to regard themselves as having a crazed predator within…

“This message is unhinged. Does Khan really think blaming misogyny on innocent boys, barely capable of tying their own shoelaces, is acceptable?”

The Mayor’s office has been approached for comment.

Source: Read Full Article

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