Saturday, 11 Jan 2025

‘Real reason thousands die waiting for benefits – and why DWP must fix it now’

Among all the Brexit furore, unfortunately, other important information and news can be easily overlooked.

A reply to a Parliamentary Question I tabled revealed thousands of sick and disabled people have died while waiting for the DWP to make a decision on their benefits claim.

Between April 2013 and April 2018, the government’s own data shows that 17,070 people died after registering a claim for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) – but before the DWP had made a decision on the claim.

These figures demonstrate, now more than ever, that the government is struggling to adequately deliver benefits to people who are often at the most vulnerable point of their life.

I have been campaigning to help terminally ill people to access benefits quicker, easier and in a more dignified manner.

Terminally ill people can have their claims fast tracked via the Special Rules for Terminal Illness (SRTI) process.

However, at present, someone can only access SRTI if a GP or nurse issues a form called a DS1500.

This is only given if there is a reasonable expectation that the claimant will die within six months.

This is problematic, as identifying those who are likely to die quickly and those who will live longer is impossible.

Health professionals’ interpretation of the six months definition varies greatly, leading to some terminally ill people being issued a DS1500 while others are not.

Polling of more than a thousand GPs commissioned by the MND Association found only 5% of GPs said that it is always clear when to sign a DS1500 for their patients.

This is further evidence for the need to reform the law to give GPs greater clarity of when they should issue a DS1500, and most importantly to ensure terminally ill people do not miss out on having their claims fast-tracked.

Too often I have come across cases where terminally ill people have gone through the lengthy and difficult bureaucratic procedures of applying for benefits, only to have their claim unjustly rejected.

James was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND), he was struggling at work and was forced to reduce his hours due to his condition.

The financial implications of this on his family were crushing, but the pressure of thinking about how his family would be supported in the future when he would not be able to work was even worse.

He subsequently applied for PIP via the normal route as he was not initially given a DS1500. James was then awarded zero points on every category of his claim form, despite having a terminal condition.

Martin also had MND, he told MPs how he received zero points in his Universal Credit assessment, and was told to seek work despite struggling to walk, breath and talk.

Shockingly, his GP told him a DS1500 could only be accessed by people with Cancer. Sadly this is an all too common belief which has caused a discrepancy and inequity of access to SRTI.

Our polling found that 31% of GPs have never signed a DS1500 for a non-cancer patient, whereas 93% have signed a DS1500 for a cancer patient.

James’ and Martin’s cases are not isolated and far too many people with terminal conditions have had to endure an incredibly stressful time when accessing benefits.

I have introduced a Bill to remove the arbitrary six months’ time limit and instead allow healthcare professionals to make a clinical judgement about whether someone is terminally ill.

These changes are already being introduced in Scotland with unanimous cross party consensus and significant support from the medical community.

These proposals would ensure that people with a terminal condition receive support quicker, without having to wait for any qualifying periods to come to an end, without having to fill in a long form, or undergo inappropriate face-to-face assessments.

Some of the 17,000 people who died while waiting for a decision on their benefits would have had a terminal condition.

At a time when someone may only have a short time left to live, it is imperative they receive support as soon as possible.

They should not have to endure stressful applications, lengthy waits, or the anxiety of going through appeals. In their final months, instead of fighting for support, terminally ill people should be treated with compassion so they can make the most of the precious time they have left with their loved ones.

Madeleine Moon is Labour MP for Bridgend.

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