Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Nigel Farage was booed at the British Curry Awards and it was pretty awkward

Nigel Farage attended last night’s British Curry Awards ceremony – and was loudly booed as he tried to present an award.

The ex-Ukip leader, who was presenting an award at the ‘Curry Oscars’, was greeted onstage with a ripple of jeers as he began his speech.

The audience, largely made up of owners and staff from the highest rated Indian restaurants in the UK, bristled as he gave a speech complaining that Britain has become ‘intolerant’ of unpopular views.

He said: "Can we please, please understand once again what living in a free, democratic country is all about? Let’s stop hating people because they’ve got different points of view."

Also attending the glittering bash were comedian Russell Brand, Fun House host Pat Sharp, and Howard from the Halifax adverts.

Tory Chairman Brandon Lewis and Transport Secretary Chris Grayling both gave speeches.

And Lib Dem leader Sir Vince Cable also presented an award, admitting to being a "curry addict".

As he delivered his brief remarks, Sir Vince noticed Nigel Farage’s late arrival – noting that someone who runs the event clearly had a sense of humour, because Farage had been seated at his table.

Despite the frosty response from large portions of the audience, Farage spent much of the evening enthusiastically posing for selfies.

Brexit loomed large at the glittering bash, dubbed the "Curry Oscars".

Many industry figures believe leaving the EU will allow the Government to increase immigration from beyond Europe – allowing more Indian chefs to come and work in Britain.

But Sir Vince, writing for the Mirror yesterday, was unconvinced Brexit would solve the ‘curry crisis’ of a shortage of chefs.

Brexit WON’T solve Britain’s curry crisis despite what the Tories say

He wrote: "This was the reason I backed the idea of a ‘vindaloo visa’ at last year’s awards. This would see strict one-year visas granted to Asian chefs, who would then train the next generation of curry cooks in what is incredibly sophisticated cuisine.

"Theresa May was sent this 75-page proposal when she was Home Secretary, but has continued to ignore its merits."

Brandon Lewis, apparently free of irony in a room full of takeaway food producers, declared of Mrs May’s Brexit deal: "This is a deal that does deliver for the industry."

But Russell Brand was in bouyant spirits, declaring: "This is amazing. We’re in Battersea Park, eating curry; it’s an oasis. It’s like Brexit doesn’t exist! We don’t care! We’re going to get high as kites, on paprika.”

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