Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Macron CAVES on fishing threat – Frost victory after high-stakes Paris talks

Macron says ‘the ball is in Britain’s court’

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Brexit minister Lord David Frost met with European minister Clement Beaune in Paris on Thursday and was triumphant saying that the UK has issued no more fishing licences. Johnson’s spokesman said the French government” have made it clear” they will not proceed with threats and “both sides are keen to have further discussions”.


Additional reporting by Rachel Hagen and Dan Hastings.


  • France ‘will not proceed’ on fishing threats17:42
  • Lord Frost meets French counterpart to try to calm fishing row16:01
  • Clement Beaune welcomes Lord David Frost12:55
  • Lord Frost arrives in Paris and is ‘hopeful’ of making progress10:08
  • Figures show the UK has granted 96 percent of shipping licenses08:54
  • What happens if French vessels block Dover?07:48
  • UK farmers forced to export beef and pork carcasses to the EU

    Nick Allen, chief executive of the British Meat Processors Association, has said beef products are being shipped to Ireland for processing before being re-imported into the UK.

    The products are sent for cutting and packing due to a shortage of butchers in Britain.

    This process racks up a total of £1,500 in transport fees for each lorry load, the Daily Mail has reported.

    “Due to the shortage of meat workers in the UK and the limitations to recruit caused by the immigration policy, processors are taking advantage of the fact that other countries are sourcing extra labour from around the world and exporting meat to be processed and returned to this country,” Mr Allen told the publication.

    “Whilst it is an added cost it is a better option than empty shelves and animals building up on the farms.”

    Mr Allen also added there is a 15 percent staff shortage across many meat plants in the UK.


    France using fishing row to score points says German expert

    Ingo Malcher argued that the situation had reached a crisis point because politicians from both countries had to “score [political] points domestically”.

    With the EU failing to back France on the matter, he called for the economic bloc to “step in and press for a quick deal – difficult as that may seem.”

    In a piece entitled “They’re all crazy” in the Die Ziet newspaper, German economic editor Mr Malcher commented: “the matter has long ceased to be about facts. As a result of Brexit, the dispute between France and Great Britain escalated.

    “Instead of calming the situation, the French Minister for European Affairs, Clément Beaune, recently said that there would be ‘no tolerance and no concession’ in the fisheries dispute and that unfortunately they would now have to use the language of violence.”

    He added that the leaders of the two nations – Britain’s Boris Johnson and France’s Emmanuel Macron – “have to score points domestically.”

    Europe is “once again at the epicentre” of COVID-19 pandemic says WHO

    Official country data compiled by AFP shows 250,000 new confirmed cases and 3,600 per day in the outlined period.

    Hans Kluge, WHO’s Regional Director for Europe, told a press conference on Thursday: “The current pace of transmission across the 53 countries of the European region is of grave concern.”

    The UK, though having left the EU, is part of the European region.

    Mr Kluge blamed the soaring cases on “insufficient vaccination coverage” and “the relaxation of public health and social measures”.

    Just 47 percent of eligible citizens in the European region have been fully jabbed, he said, with vaccination rates lowest in the Baltics, Balkans, and Central and Eastern Europe.

    He said it is time to “change our tactics”.


    EU citizens coming to UK face huge new changes

    In a damning report, German publication ‘Stern’ has labelled the UK a “high-risk area” due to “Brexit complications.”

    Warnings begin with huge queues at petrol stations and empty shelves in supermarkets in an apparent attempt to dissuade travellers from even considering visiting the UK.

    Speaking of the problems faced at border control points, a report by the German Foreign Ministry states: “At ports, at the Eurotunnel and at airports, long waiting times are to be expected.”

    Speaking of the checks made by Border Force officers, the report reminded EU citizens that ID cards were no longer valid documents to enter the UK.

    It said: “Since October 1, 2021, ID cards are no longer recognised for entry into Great Britain.”

    “Passports are now required even for transit travellers who, for example, change at Heathrow Airport for an onward flight to Ireland.”

    “This requirement applies to all citizens of the European Union and is a consequence of Brexit.”


    UK must sort energy crisis or be victims of Putin, Britons warn

    Since Saturday, ’state-owned Russian gas supplier Gazprom has not been delivering gas to Germany through its Yamal pipeline via Poland.

    And since Sunday, Putin’s gas giant has only been transporting half as much gas through Ukraine to Austria and southern Germany.

    The situation is becoming more and more critical for German and other European consumers, with a lack of supplies pushing up prices.

    Now, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been urged to sort out Britain’s energy crisis before having to rely on Russia.

    One reader, cbickers, wrote: “I know, let’s rely on our gas supply from our worst enemy.

    “No it won’t be a security risk.

    “Idiot leaders, absolute idiots.”


    Spain now wants more British tourists after new limiting rules

    Ximo Puig, president of the Valencia region where Benidorm and Alicante are located, issued the call after a huge drop-off in tourist numbers after Brexit.

    He said the new rules, which limit Brits to a 90-day stay every 180 days, are putting people off buying holiday homes, visiting their families and damaging the region’s economy.

    Mr Puig stated he wanted Brexit to be: “As Brexit-less as possible”.

    Reyes Maroto, Spain’s tourism Minister, assured Mr Puig that a task force including diplomats from both the UK and Spain has already been set up.

    The embassy teams have been told to work towards “joint solutions” on “mobility” issues, she said – without elaborating further.

    Mr Puig issued his demand after the number of Britons visiting his region plunged post-Brexit, from 3 million in 2019 to just 600,000 in 2020.


    Decarbonisation is the UK’s big bet after Brexit

    The boss of the Confederation of British Industry has said that decarbonisation is the UK’s big bet after Brexit.

    Speaking at a dinner in Glasgow, Tony Danker told business leaders: “Here in the UK, post-Brexit, post-Covid, decarbonisation is our big bet.

    “It is bringing substance to the Prime Minister’s levelling-up agenda by bringing higher value industries and jobs to different corners of our country.

    “It gives a new definition to the idea of global Britain. We can and we will export to the world our new green products and services.”

    Brexit Britain could lead the way in green energy

    Brexit Britain could lead the way in green energy by cutting reliance on Chinese imports.

    There are plans to restart domestic production of super-strong magnets used in electric vehicles and wind turbines with government support, insiders have claimed.

    A Government-funded feasibility study is due to be published on Friday, laying out the steps the UK must take to restart the output of rare earth permanent magnets, the sources said.

    A magnet factory would help Britain meet its goal of banning petrol and diesel care by 2030 and slashing carbon emissions to net-zero by 2050. 

    Brussels could deal another blow to Macron

    The head of the London Stock exchange said Brussels is gearing up to extend Britain’s right to control the £563 trillion euro clearing market. 

    The move would be another blow to Emmanuel Macron, who has attempted to lure global banks away from the city and invited heads such as JP Morgan boss Jamie Dimon and Goldman Sachs’ David Solomon to a “Choose France” event in June this year, to make the case for investing in his country.

    Speaking to Bloomberg TV, the London stock exchange chief David Schwimmer said: “My expectation is that the European Commission will find a way to continue allowing EU-domiciled member banks and other institutions to continue to access.”

    He added that he expects something “early in the new year”.

    Read more here.

    German publication slams ‘Brexit complications’

    EU nations are warning citizens of Brexit changes to UK borders after German publication ‘Stern’ has labelled the UK a “high-risk area” due to “Brexit complications.”

    Warnings include huge queues at petrol stations, empty shelves and even the NHS in an effort to reportedly dissuade travellers from visiting the UK. 

    It said: “The UK healthcare system is also suffering from massive staff shortages.

    The report also addressed the requirements surrounding entry during the ongoing pandemic and criticised Boris Johnson for the current problems in the exit from the EU. 

    France ‘will not proceed’ on fishing threats

    FRANCE has made it clear they will not follow through on the threat of sanctions regarding the fishing row, Boris Johnson’s spokesman has said.

    Brexit minister Lord David Frost met with European minister Clement Beaune in Paris on Thursday and was triumphant saying that the UK has issued no more fishing licenses.

    Johnson’s spokesman said the French government” have made it clear” they will not proceed with threats and “both sides are keen to have further discussions”

    Fishing row is to ‘score points’

    A German expert has claimed France’s spat with the UK is about scoring points over Brexit.

    Ingo Malcher argued that the situation had reached a crisis point because politicians from both countries had to “score [political] points domestically”.

    He also called for the economic bloc to “step in and press for a quick deal – difficult as that may seem.”

    Read more here.

    Meeting was ‘useful and positive’ but’ still a lot of work to do’

    The meeting between Lord Frost and Clement Beaune was reportedly “useful and positive”.

    At the heart of the dispute is the number of licences London allocated to French boats after leaving the European Union.

    France says many are missing, while London says it is respecting the deal.

    Mr Beaune added that “there is still a lot of work to do” and “all options are still on the table”.

    Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesman said: “The French government has been clear they are not looking to proceed with those threats … in the coming day.

    “I think both sides are keen to have further discussions.”

    Lord Frost meets French counterpart to try to calm fishing row

    Brexit minister Lord Frost met with France’s European minister Clement Beaune in a bid to calm the fishing row, however, it appears there were no breakthroughs. 

    Taking to Twitter Mr Beaune said he had been happy to meet with Lord Forst to “relaunch the necessary dialogue and ensure the implementation of our agreements”.

    Lord Frost is also due to meet European Commission vice president Maros Sefcovic in Brussels today and speak to Mr Beaune again next week.

    Macron accused of ‘showboating’ over sanction threats

    Brits have crticised French president Emmanuel Macron for “showboating” after withdrawing his threats for sanctions amid the fishing row. 

    Macron backed down saying, “talks need to continue” before readers hit out at the president. 

    One reader, called ‘Sterling77a’ said Macon is  “steeped in vindictiveness and spite” before praising the UK’s “great successful Brexit”.  

    Read more reactions here.

    David Frost and Clement Beaune discussed ‘arising difficulties’

    Brexit minister Lord David Frost and European affairs minister Clement Beaune met in Paris this morning to dicuss the ongoing fishing row.

    They both “set out their positions and concerns” during the meeting on fishing in Paris today. 

    A No10 spokesman said: “They discussed a range of ongoing difficulties arising from the application of the agreements between the UK and the EU. They expect to speak again early next week.”

    Boris Johnson urged to tell Biden mind his own business regarding the Northern Ireland Protocol

    The director of the Get Britain Out campaign, Jayne Adye says that Boris Johnson should stop pandering to Joe Biden and instead stand up to him.

    She said: “If the shoe was on the other foot, the US would tell us to ‘mind our own business.’ While President Biden may think Brits want to listen to what he has to say, the truth is – we couldn’t care less!”

    Read more here

    Clement Beaune welcomes Lord David Frost

    Secretary of State for European Affairs, Clement Beaune posts a picture on Twitter with Brexit Minister Lord David Frost and welcomes him to the French Capital.

    Kwasi Kwarteng positive on Brexit

    Kwasi Kwarteng was asked what Boris Johnson had done to try to deliver higher integrity and probity in public life.

    Speaking on the Today programme on BBC Radio 4, the Business Secretary said: “We had a manifesto commitment to deliver Brexit and we delivered Brexit. That was something which we promised to do and the Prime Minister led a Government that delivered that.”

    Lord Frost arrives in Paris and is ‘hopeful’ of making progress

    Lord Frost, UK’s Brexit minister tells ITV News, he is “always hopeful of making progress” ahead of talks with French Europe Minister Clement Beaune.

    He says he’s “happy” that the French Government withdrew its threats on Monday and insists no more fishing licences have been issued.

    Taoiseach says UK would be ‘reckless’ to use Article 16

    Speaking at Taoiseach’s Questions, the prime minister of Ireland, Micheál Martin, has said it would be “irresponsible and reckless” for the UK to use Article 16 of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

    He believes it would have far reaching implications for the relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union.

    Figures show the UK has granted 96 percent of shipping licenses

    Official UK data contradicts France’s claims about outstanding permits and shows Britain has granted 96 per cent of fishing licences requested by French boats this year.

    France claims that “almost 50 per cent” of licences are missing and last week the French Europe minister, Clement Beaune, said that the UK has made a “political choice” to “target” Paris by withholding permits.

    The figures show that 840 of 874 French applications had been approved since the UK and EU signed the Trade and Cooperation Agreement in December. 

    All 736 permit requests for French boats to fish in the 12-200 mile zone off the UK have been granted.

    Eighty-five of 88 requests for vessels over 12 metres to have access to British waters between six and 12 miles from the coast have been approved.

    John Cleese ‘blames Brexit’

    Responding to a tweet by former political strategist Alastair Campbell about the events in Parliament, the actor John Cleese blamed it on Brexit.

    Read more here

    What happens if French vessels block Dover?

    According to Politco, The Maritime and Coastguard Agency and other sea organisations are drawing up crisis measures to be prepared if French vessels block Dover or other crucial ports. Ministers are working out if vessels could be removed too.

    And what about fish caught for the EU market which is prevented from landing in French ports? It would have to land in Britain and been driven across the Channel — raising concerns over how to keep it fresh. Or, it may have to land in Belgium or the Netherlands.

    One government official said: “The feeling is that a Channel Islands fishing argument won’t threaten Dover-Calais trade.”

    This morning, British government sent a letter to the French stating: “We continue to stand by our methodology. So we’re happy to talk to them [The French] but I’m not sure much will change.”

    With fishing deal falling under the EU-wide Trade and Cooperation Agreement, any sanctions by France would be invoked under the TCA, dragging the EU into a the trade war.

    Will Beaune and Frost discuss the Northern Ireland protocol?

    Downing Street have said Frost and Beaune will be discussing the Northern Ireland protocol alongside the fisheries row in Paris today.

    But a spokesperson for Prime Minister Boris Johnson said there is no way the UK was “using the fishing issue to squeeze the EU on Northern Ireland.”

    Commission officials and EU nations are concerned that the fishing row is now affecting the Northern Ireland protocol talks.

    Johnson’s Brexit demand is ‘impossible and he knows it’, says EU vice president

    Lord David Frost is the centre of all disputes this week.

    He wishes for the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to be replaced with an independent arbitration panel and that it can have no role settling disputes in Northern Ireland.

    But the EU has rejected a British demand to end any role for European court judges in Northern Ireland.

    The European Commission’s vice president Frans Timmermans said it was “extremely well-known in London” that the demand to ditch the European Court of Justice (ECJ) could not be met.

    “I think Frost knows very well that this is not possible for the European Union,” Mr Timmermans told ITV.

    Source: Read Full Article

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