Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024

Lord Frost exit showing Boris’ problem ‘deepening’ ‘Sooner he resigns, the better’

Brexit minister Lord Frost resigns from Cabinet

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The former Attorney General for England and Wales Dominic Grieve sat down with Times Radio host Jenny Kleeman to discuss Lord Frost’s shock resignation. Lord Frost was in charge of post-Brexit plans for the country as Brexit Minister, Conservative MPs around the country have been shocked by the news and the decision has caused a split with the Tories. The vote on Plan B restrictions in parliament last week saw also saw 100 Tory MPs vote against Mr Johnson’s new imposed restrictions for handling the coronavirus variant Omicron. Mr Grieve discussed the reasons why Lord Frost would have possibly quit his position as Brexit Minister and Mr Grieve also called for Boris Johnson’s resignation due to his lack of strategy and planning whilst trying to run the country.

Mr Grieve said: “I think at the moment he is very serious trouble because he’s been found out. The Paterson affair, followed by the stories coming out about parties a No.10 has damaged his standing with the public.

“In a way that his previous behaviour, even though there might be members of the political classes or the commentariat who saw his previous behaviour as extremely unsatisfactory previously it hadn’t damaged him.

“So clearly in some, in considerable difficulty but the fact that Lord Frost is going over what would appear to be another major policy issue where disagreements are appearing.

“Which suggests that in fact, the Prime Ministers problems are deepening.”

Ms Kleeman said: “So what needs to happen now?”

Mr Grieve said: “Well, my view is the sooner the Prime Minister resigns the better.”

Ms Kleeman asked: “And who should replace him?”

Mr Grieve said: “And that’s, That’s dependent on members of the Conservative Party, parliamentary party, having the courage to say ‘your time is up, you are doing a lot of damage and you’re doing absolutely no good.’

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“Because what’s going to happen if he doesn’t go now is that we will limp on for months into next year and he could continue for a long time, but I think there will be further damaging episodes.

“Which show that the Prime Minister, in fact, doesn’t have a strategy and that in many other respects he’s simply not fit for office.

Ms Kleeman said: “So who is? who should be the Prime Minister of this country?”

“Mr Grieve said: “I leave that, I leave to my colleagues in the Conservative Party to make the choice. There are clearly a number of options, some look to me to be much better than others, but I’m pretty convinced in my own mind that none, all of them are likely to be or one would hope would be significantly better to what we’ve got at the moment.”

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has since been announced as Lord Frost’s replacement as the UK’s lead negotiator with Europe in post-Brexit plans.

Explaining the reason for his resignation, Lord Frost said: “I left the government, as I think is well known, because I couldn’t support certain policies, most recently on COVID restrictions and plan B.

“If you’re a minister, you have to support collective responsibility, you have to support decisions of the government, and I couldn’t so that’s why I had to leave.”

When asked about the Prime Minister Lord Frost said: “absolutely confident this country has a great future under Boris Johnson’s leadership if we can get the policies right, I’m absolutely confident he’s the right man to take the country forward.

“I don’t support coercive policies on COVID. The prime minister’s got some very difficult decisions to take and I’m sure he’ll be thinking very hard on them.”

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