Friday, 11 Oct 2024

Lord Ashcroft warns Boris Johnson ‘grip your marbles tight’ ahead of Brexit crunch talks

Boris Johnson says Brexit deal 'looking difficult'

The Prime Minister will meet with European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen for dinner on Wednesday as he attempts to secure a deal. He admits that the current situation is “very tricky” but hopes “the power of sweet reason [can] get this thing over the line”.

Commentators believe a ‘no deal’ situation is becoming probable.

Ireland’s Foreign Minister, Simon Coveney, claims the mood in Brussels is shifting to “contingency planning”.

The EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, told a meeting of the bloc’s ministers that he believed a no-deal scenario was now more likely.

Mr Johnson and Ms von der Leyen spoke for 90 minutes over the phone this week but failed to draw nearer to a deal.

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Ahead of their meeting, Lord Ashcroft, former deputy chairman of the Conservative Party, tweeted to Mr Johnson.

He wrote: “At dinner Wednesday in Brussels @BorisJohnson grip your marbles tight, pour lead in your pencil, don’t go wobbly and don’t cross your stated red lines…good fortune..”

Ireland’s Prime Minister Micheal Martin said unless an agreement is reached in “the next day or two”, EU leaders would have to start discussing a no-deal outcome.

According to an EU diplomat, Mr Barnier said: “We are close to the moment of needing urgent measures… a contingency plan for no deal.

“The foundation of our future cooperation with the UK is more important than the rush. We cannot sacrifice our long-term interests for short-term political goals.”

Ms von der Leyen tweeted ahead of the meeting: “I look forward to welcoming UK prime minister Boris Johnson tomorrow evening. We will continue our discussion on the partnership agreement.”

Britain left the EU in January but has remained in the EU single market and customs union during the transition period.

This ends on December 31.

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Mr Barnier and Lord Frost held talks ahead of Mr Johnson’s meeting with Ms von der Leyen.

He tweeted: “Briefed all Member States at the #GAC today. Full unity.

“We will never sacrifice our future for the present.

“Access to our market comes with conditions. Working closely with @DavidGHFrost and team to prepare upcoming meeting between @vonderleyen and @BorisJohnson.”

Leaders of the EU’s 27 member states are due to gather in Brussels on Thursday for a two-day summit.

On Wednesday, Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove and his counterpart on the UK-EU joint committee, Maros Sefcovic, reached an agreement on border checks and trading rules for Northern Ireland.

While the discussions are separate from trade talks, the agreement could improve negotiations.

Source: Read Full Article

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