Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

‘Like preparing for a hurricane’ EU businesses admit fears of ‘chaotic’ no deal Brexit

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EU port CEO Tom Hautekiet claimed that preparing for Brexit felt like “preparing for a hurricane”. He noted that he expected delays at the port and was taking precautions in the event things do not run smoothly. Speaking to Sky News’ Michelle Clifford, the Zeebrugge Port CEO said: “I feel that I am preparing for a hurricane.

“You do whatever you can, you timber your windows and fill up your sand bangs but you have no idea whether this is sufficient.

“This is because we have never had a Brexit so we have done whatever we could.

Ms Clifford also highlighted the difficulties facing EU businesses due to the lack of certainty surrounding Brexit.

She said: “In the Netherlands, the biggest exporter of fresh fruit and veg to the UK, they are in daily contact with the other side.

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“They are making plans but still don’t know what they are facing.

“The only certainty they say is that the cost of produce would rise and a no deal would be the most damaging for the consumer.

Dutch food wholesale Scherpenhuizen Chief of Operations Dicke De Brouwer admitted to being worried about tariffs being implemented going forward.

He added the increase in more checks would make it difficult for EU businesses to maintain the same speed.

Mr De Brouwer said: “If there is going to be tariffs, prices are going to increase, that is the one thing.

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“That is going to increase the cost for the producer and the consumer.

“This is on top of all the documentation and everything else.”

The Sky News reporter continued: “Some are trying to get ahead of the game.

“At Belgians Zeebrugge Port they have seen a dramatic increase in traffic.

“On a normal day they deal with 5,000 lorries, on some days in the last week they have seen 9,000.


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“Food exporters are trying to get longer life produce in before the year ends.

“Here there is frustration that they are planning in the dark when it comes to Brexit.”

Ms Clifford also spoke to a driver who explained his concerns about Brexit and EU to UK deliveries.

She said: “Jeffrey Popma is a delivery driver and he has been part of a slip cross channel operation for years but fears the 1st of January will bring chaos.”

The driver said: “The long waiting times and the queues that will be at the ports are the main worries for the drivers.”

Source: Read Full Article

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