Friday, 4 Oct 2024

Laurence Fox to run in Boris Johnson’s former Uxbridge and South Ruislip seat

Laurence Fox opposes government saying what public should eat

Laurence Fox has told that he has struck a deal with Richard Tice and Reform UK to run as a candidate in the by-election for Boris Johnson’s former Uxbridge and South Ruislip seat in London.

The former Prime Minister stepped down as an MP dramatically on Friday as one of three resignations by prominent Tory MPs including his close allies Nadine Dorries in Mid Bedfordshire and Nigel Adams in Selby.

It means that Rishi Sunak faces the prospect of fighting at least three by-elections with more possibly to follow.

It is understood that Reform UK will step aside for Reclaim in Uxbridge while Reclaim will leave the field clear for Reform UK in Mid Bedfordshire as part of a deal between the two parties.

And Mr Fox has confirmed that he will be running in the former Prime Minister’s seat.

He said: “The main political parties are not fit for purpose. We have uncontrolled immigration putting pressure on an already over-stretched NHS, which is one of the poorest performing health services in the developed world. Labour and Conservative are offering the same policies and are largely indistinguishable.

“Britain should be proud of its history and cultural heritage, not ashamed of it. Britain is an optimistic and outward looking country, instead our children are being taught to hate this country’s heritage and that women can have penises.

“We all seek a cleaner planet, but net zero is ideological zealotry, based on collective guilt rather than practicality. And it punishes the poorest and most vulnerable in society.

“The future of this country and its sovereignty belongs to the people. They should not be subject to treaties signed thousands of miles away, which no British person has voted for.

“Britain deserves better. Reclaim seeks to represent the best interests of British people, Reclaim is motivated by common sense. Reclaim is interested in a prosperous future for our children.”

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The move comes in a week where Mr Fox’s Reclaim Party and Reform UK have both been increasing the pressure on the Tories.

Former Brexit Party MEP Ben Habib, a former Tory donor who now campaigns for Reform UK, was at Mr Laurence’s unveiling of Andrew Bridgen as the first Reclaim Party MP last month.

At the time Habib indicated that the two parties would be cooperating more to provide an alternative to the Conservative Party.

Now while Howard Cox of the Fair Fuel Campaign runs for Reform UK in the London Mayor contest, Mr Fox has a clear run at Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

Mr Fox’s political career began in 2020 when he appeared on BBC Question Time when he criticised Meghan Markle and was confronted by a BBC employee who was a member of the audience.

The subsequent row saw attempts to have him cancelled.

Since launched Reclaim, Mr Fox has become an advocate for free speech, spoken up against the Net Zero and trans agendas, and set up the Bad Law Project to protect people from being arrested by the police for comments they have made.

He was also a leading critic of lockdown during the pandemic and vaccine rollout, particularly attempts to mandate NHS and care workers to be forced to have the injection.

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