Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Jeremy Corbyn slams Tory austerity as he backs Mirror’s Christmas hunger appeal

Jeremy Corbyn has proudly backed our End Hunger, Feed a Family Christmas appeal.

The Labour leader said tens of thousands of families are facing a difficult time.

In a video message, he urged readers to come together to help them.

He said: “Christmas is a time when families come together to share the magic.

“But for more than half a million children, things that many of us take for granted will be a world away as their families struggle to afford even basic necessities.”

In a typical UK classroom, nine children are living in poverty, Joseph Rowntree Foundation figures suggest.

Mr Corbyn said: “Austerity will mean tens of thousands of families face a difficult Christmas. Those struggling thanks to Tories’ rollout of UC have the added pain of a five-week wait for payment.”

All money raised in our appeal goes to The Trussell Trust, the country’s largest provider of foodbanks.

Mr Corbyn, who wants to eliminate the need for foodbanks, said it provided some 1.5 million meals last year.

He added: “That’s why I’m very proud to support the Mirror’s appeal.

“So please do all you can to help people less fortunate than you have the Happy Christmas they deserve.”

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