Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024

GB News: BBC’s cost of living coverage slammed for ‘prophesying doom and gloom’

GB News: Call for Corbyn inspired policy amid cost of living crisis

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Recent reports of the energy crisis have warned that household energy bills will continue to rise and will stay high into 2024 while pubs and restaurants have warned they may have to close. According to the Daily Mail columnist, “most of us are going to have to help ourselves” after the BBC and Martin Lewis, the money expert, are putting too much emphasis on Government bailouts.

According to Mr Glover’s recent column, Martin Lewis “has been freely prophesying Armageddon” about the financial struggles households are and will continue to face.

He added: “The government has already done quite a bit, having shelled out £37 billion of support so far this year.

“Under existing plans, the most vulnerable households will receive at least £1,200.”

Mr Glover noted that the coverage from the media is driven by fear and panic which is a far cry from the resilience shown by Brits 50 years ago.

He wrote: “The phlegmatic British coped all right 50 years ago with three-day weeks, frequent blackouts and reading by candlelight.

“Not ideal, I grant, but endurable. Have we become so infantilised by the State, and so dependent on it, that we can’t improvise?”

Speaking to GB News host Dan Wootton, Mr Glover said that Martin Lewis is a tool brought out by media outlets, notably the BBC, “when they want to make our flesh creep”.

Mr Wootton agreed with the comments and both men mentioned that they have admiration for the role that Mr Lewis has played advising the public.

However, Mr Glover added: “But it’s not clear to me how that qualifies him to be the leading pundit now on the BBC and other channels as well on prophesying doom and gloom and also, worryingly, civil unrest.

“He’s been going on for months now about how unless the Government takes dramatic action, there’s going to be civil unrest.

“How does he know? It seems to me to be a dangerous prophecy to make. It doesn’t help anybody.”

The BBC’s coverage only comes at the energy crisis from one perspective according to Mr Wootton, who likened it to their coverage of lockdown and the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Kiwi born host added: “In this case, it’s why aren’t you spending more money, it is a very socialist approach that they’re taking to this problem when they quiz ministers.”

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Mr Glover replied: “The BBC’s approach is that the Government must spend much more money and it never seems to occur to them that people to some degree have the independence to deal with these problems ourselves.

“We use electricity less, turn the lights off, turn the heating off at night, we can use our appliances less.”

He continued: “All of these things, they may be marginal but if you add them together, they will have some effect and the assumption that it is entirely down to the Government to bail us out is wrong and dangerous.

“Obviously people in need are going to require help and they’ve already got some help and there will be more help from the Government, but most of us are going to have to help ourselves as well and that is something which is often ignored, not just by the BBC but by Martin Lewis.”

Source: Read Full Article

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