Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Fine Gael investigating allegations of slurs made against former member at party meeting

Fine Gael has confirmed it is investigating allegations that a former member in Meath was referred to as “the n****r in the woodpile” and “the f***ing bitch” at a party meeting on Monday.

The comments are alleged to have been made by a senior party figure about independent councillor Gillian Toole, who quit Fine Gael earlier this year. The comments are alleged to have been uttered by the person to other members at a party meeting in Kells on Monday that was attended by around 20 people.

A complaint was made to Fine Gael headquarters this week and a party spokesman confirmed: “A complaint has been received by Fine Gael. The matter is being dealt with. Such language, if used, has absolutely no place whatsoever in public life. The Fine Gael party abhors this type of language.”

Ms Toole quit Fine Gael in March ahead of the local elections, saying she felt the party’s policies no longer reflected the needs of Meath people.

She could not immediately be reached for comment.

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