Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Queen sends Brexit message in Christmas speech after ‘bumpy year’

Brexit has dominated British politics this year and the Queen will reference the rocky path the UK has had in resolving the matter. Three years on from the original vote, Theresa May failed to take the UK out of the EU on March 29, while new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson could not live up to his “do or die” pledge to deliver Brexit in October.

However, with Mr Johnson now commanding a large majority in the Commons, Her Majesty will reference how “small steps taken in faith and in hope” can be significant, and ultimately break down “long-held differences”.

She will add: “The path, of course, is not always smooth, and may at times this year have felt quite bumpy, but small steps can make a world of difference.”

This is being interpreted as a plea to Westminster – and the British public – to finally begin working together rather than remaining divided.

Following his election victory, Mr Johnson he will finally deliver Brexit to the public.

The Prime Minister has claimed the UK will leave on January 31 while completing the Brexit transition period by the end of December next year.

In a boost to his proclamations on Brexit, Mr Johnson’s withdrawal agreement cleared its first hurdle last week after MPs voted 358 to 234 in favour of the bill.

However, a former World Trade Organisation (WTO) adviser has said a hard Brexit is very likely due to Mr Johnson’s large majority and desire to complete in such a short timeline.

David Tinline, who spent six years working for the WTO, told Politico the Prime Minister will need to compromise in order to complete a deal between the UK and US.

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Mr Tinline said: “If you’re going to set a hard time limit you’re going to reduce the level of ambition to the point where it’s been described as a ‘bare bones’ agreement’.”

As well as Mr Johnson’s claims on Brexit, his Government also set out a “radical” manifesto within the Queen’s Speech last week.

Within the manifesto Mr Johnson will carry out a bumper course of funding for the NHS and will also include a crack down on violent, sexual and terrorism offences.

The Government will enshrine into law a funding programme which will see the NHS receive £33.9billion by 2023-24.

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Away from Mr Johnson’s plans, Her Majesty is expected to mention the difficult year the Royal Family has endured.

Last week, Prince Philip was admitted to hospital for a treatment on a pre-existing condition.

The condition remains undisclosed but it has been reported his admission was solely a precautionary one.

The Duke of Edinburgh was transported from Sandringham to Edward VII Hospital on Friday.

A Buckingham Palace stated confirmed he was seen transported to the hospital for “observation and treatment”.

In a statement the palace said: “The Duke of Edinburgh travelled from Norfolk this morning to the King Edward VII Hospital in London for observation and treatment in relation to a pre-existing condition.

“The admission is a precautionary measure, on the advice of His Royal Highness’s doctor.”

A royal source claimed the Duke entered the hospital walking and was not driven to London in an ambulance.

Commenting on the Duke’s health recently, a source said: “The Duke has had a bad turn recently and has been looking much frailer of late.

“He’s a remarkable man who has always prided himself on how robust he is, but he is six months off his 99th birthday and age takes its toll.

“He hasn’t been looking terribly well of late.”

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