Friday, 10 Jan 2025

Elizabeth Warren Campaign Fires Staff Member for ‘Inappropriate Behavior’

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts fired her national organizing director after “multiple complaints regarding inappropriate behavior,” according to a statement released Friday by her communications director.

The campaign hired the staff member, Richard McDaniel, earlier this year to head the national field operations, a job that involved spearheading the campaign’s organizing structure and outreach programs.

The statement by Ms. Warren’s communications director, Kristen Orthman, said senior campaign leadership had received multiple complaints about Mr. McDaniel’s behavior “over the past two weeks.” The decision to fire him came after an investigation conducted by outside counsel.

“Based on the results of the investigation, the campaign determined that his reported conduct was inconsistent with its values and that he could not be a part of the campaign moving forward,” Ms. Orthman said.

Ms. Orthman declined to elaborate on the nature of the complaints. Politico was first to report that Mr. McDaniel had been dismissed.

The news came the same day that the Warren campaign reported having raised $24.6 million in the most recent fund-raising quarter, a total that offered further evidence of Ms. Warren’s steady rise to the top of the Democratic primary field.

Mr. McDaniel was a veteran of several Democratic campaigns, most recently serving as a senior campaign aide to Senator Doug Jones, who defeated a Republican challenger in a closely watched special election in Alabama in 2017. Before that, he worked for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Reached by phone, Mr. McDaniel said “departing at this time is in the best interest of both parties.”

“I would never intentionally engage in any behavior inconsistent with the campaign or my own values,” he said. “If others feel that I have, I understand it is important to listen even when you disagree. I wish the campaign and my colleagues well.”

When he was hired, Mr. McDaniel's expertise in galvanizing black voters was touted as a boon to Ms. Warren, whose populist brand has so far held more sway in white elite circles than black ones.

According to sources familiar with the campaign, there had been discontent with Mr. McDaniel’s job performance even before the complaints regarding his behavior arose.

Astead W. Herndon is a national political reporter based in New York. He was previously a Washington-based political reporter and a City Hall reporter for The Boston Globe. @AsteadWesley

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