Monday, 24 Feb 2025

Dead Labour’s MP’s anthrax revenge plot revealed in new book

Former Labour MP Simon Danczuk is set to publish the paperback edition of his political book “Scandal Featured in Dolphin Square” with a shocking revelation about another former Labour MP.

Among the scandals recounted in the book is a story about former Labour whip Sir Ray Powell, the former MP for Ogmore who died suddenly in 2001.

Prioer to his death it is claimed that Powell had an acrimnious relationship with Jeff Jones, the then Labour leader of Bridgend County Council.

It is claimed that Powell sent a threatening anonymous letter to his party comrade purporting to include anthrax.

The event was treated as a major incident; the council offices were closed down and the police traced it by his handwriting back to Powell.

The police were about to arrest Powell but by complete coincidence he died a day or two before in his Dolphin Square flat.

Co-author, Simon Danczuk, said: “Parliamentary Whips have a reputation for being tough, but this behaviour from Powell takes it to another level.

“One wonders what other antics he got up to whilst acting anonymously. He clearly knew how to take a grudge or vendetta to the next level but was also quite amateurish in that he’d addressed the threat letter in his own handwriting, which was leading to his arrest.”

Mr Danczuk continued: “Powell’s scandal is so extraordinary we just had to include it in the new version of our book. There were that many scandals to choose from we’ve had to limit it to the top 100 or so most outrageous.

“Powell’s certainly makes the cut but there are many more just as crazy as his. I’ve lived in the Square for over six years now, and it’s fair to say there’s never a dull moment!”

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The book recounts how Powell’s alleged hoax “was at the height of the so-called anthrax scare after several media outlets and public figures were sent letters containing anthrax spores in the weeks following the 9/11 attacks in the USA.”

It added: “The council offices in Bridgend were duly evacuated, traumatised staff hosed down in the street, and word sent to the chemical and biological weapons experts at Porton Down.”

Research for the story was done via interviews with Mr Jones the target of the hoax, Martyn Jones the investigting police officer, and Powell’s daughter Janice Gregory.

The story is a new addition for the paperback version of the book which has a collection of tales attached to Dolphin Square in Westminster where many MPs live while sitting in Parliament.

Mr Danczuk has co-authored the book with Daniel Smith with the new paperback edition due to be published by the History Press tomorrow.

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