Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Colin Brazier picks hole in Brexit doom-mongering as he highlights UK success

Brexit: UK removing 'unnecessary EU laws' says expert

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The GB News presenter shared an article from Neil MacKinnon which highlighted how the “doom-mongering” Remainers have been proven wrong in regards to the “assessment of the UK economy” in a post-Brexit Britain.

Sharing a quote from the article, Mr Brazier tweeted: “Remainers have been proven consistently wrong in the doom-mongering assessment of the UK economy.

“Virtually none of us who work in the City have moved to Frankfurt, which remains essentially a provincial banking centre.”

In his article in Cap X, Mr MacKinnon went on to say how Brexit is “opening up new opportunities” for the financial and other sectors.

He continued: “If anything, Brexit is opening up new opportunities for the financial and other sectors, especially in exciting trade opportunities outside the EU.

“The UK, post-Brexit, looks exciting.

“The global economy continues to evolve and change while the EU seems stuck in a rut weighed down by an inward-looking, self-serving bureaucracy.

“Of course, there is a huge amount we can do to improve our own economy, which is far from perfect.

“But the last year should give us the confidence to chart our own course towards a prosperous future for all.”

He continued: “Getting those decisions right, free of EU restrictions, is what will make the UK economy attractive for investment and employment.

“Contrary to what some Remainers might have you believe, a fall in the number of EU migrants is not going to capsize the UK economy.”

Mr MacKinnon went on to claim the UK’s successful vaccine rollout has restored confidence in the public in a post-Brexit Britain.

He continued: “Similarly, the UK implemented monetary and fiscal measures that are now starting to bear fruit.

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“The economy is picking up and consumers and firms are much more optimistic.

“The UK vaccination programme and the Government’s response has played a large part in restoring confidence, with the economy now recovering strongly, boosted by a buoyant housing market and the £100billion or so that British companies have saved up during the pandemic.

“Investment and tax incentives put in place by the Chancellor have also helped, and the UK is already a leader in new technologies that do not always get the media coverage they deserve.”

To date, more than 34,000,000 people in the UK have received their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

More than 15,000,000 have received their second jab.

In comparison, the total number of vaccine doses administered across the bloc has just surpassed 150,000,000.

This week, the EU’s former Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said the bloc was slower to act with the vaccine rollout as all 27 member states had to act as one.

He said: “It is true that there were mistakes at the start – why? Because we wanted to decide for 27 and not on our own.

“It is easier to decide on our own, rather than as 27, especially since we didn’t have that expertise in Europe.

“This is one of the lessons to be learned. Perhaps there are issues in Europe where it will be necessary to hand over the decision-making to the country, or to the region.”

He added: “We don’t know how to take risks.

“The British took risks by financing the private sector.

“The Americans took risks. We don’t know how to do that yet.”

Source: Read Full Article

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