Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024

Brexit: Rejoiners demand urgent ‘re-run’ of referendum after ‘Russian interference’

Brexit: Hamilton says Boris should 'get tough' with Macron

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Taking to Twitter, rejoiners have called for the vote again and the benefits of being in the EU to be discussed “at length” claiming this was not done the first time. 

One rejoiner said: “I’d love that! The problem lies with the opposition. Starmer wants to “make Brexit work”, whatever that means …”.

There has been accusations of “Russian interference in British elections, which Boris Johnson has denied saying he has seen “absolutely no evidence of successful Russian interference in any election or any electoral event”. 


Nadhim Zahawi slams former Danish PM over EU’s Ukraine claims

The Education Secretary hit back at the Former Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt who said the European Union is leading efforts against Russia. 

In the BBC Question Time bust-up, the former Danish PM stated: “You said something that almost made me chuckle before when you said that Putin will think the UK’s leading the efforts against Russia right now.

“Of course, it’s not. The European Union is leading the effort against Russia.”

She continued: “I don’t think they’ll see Boris Johnson as a particular leader in this field. Just to set that straight.”

Ms Thorning-Schmidt was left humiliated after Mr Zahawi simply interjected saying: “It should be a team effort, coordinated which it is.”


Britain to snub EU with SIX new deals in £6bn alternative to EU programme

Britain is ready to snub the EU after being excluded from its research programme by making deals with six other science giants in a £6 billion alternative. 

The EU’s Horizon Programme included the UK in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation agreement which would have seen the UK pay £15 billion across seven years in order to participate.  

The EU excluded the UK on the grounds that participation would begin upon the resolution of Brexit disputes between the bloc and the UK.

The new deal involves a partnership with Switzerland, Isreal, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Science Minister George Freeman promised a “bold Plan B” and has dubbed this deal his “£6 billion Global Britain Science Plan.”

He added: “There are huge amounts of investment. When I travel around the world people are really really keen to invest in UK innovation.

Brexit red-tape blocks humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Humanitarian aid destined for Ukraine has been blocked at Dover for days due to Brexit customs. 

Charity workers have said that five tonnes of donations for Ukraine have been left stuck in lorries in the UK over Brexit documentation surrounding exports between the UK and the EU.

Agnieszka Lokaj, manager of the Lewisham Polish Centre in South London said that despite mounting donations, “we are not exporting.”

She added: “I don’t want to send drivers to the border where they will be stuck for several days.”

Brexit red tape sends businesses in the fishing industry into ‘chaos’

An investigation has revealed that new Brexit rules and regulations are hindering businesses in the fishing industry.

Dispatches carried out an investigation last year over the impact of Brexit on businesses. 

One business investigated by Dispatches was Lobster Pot, a shellfish exporter based in Anglesey.

Many of its products had doubled in price as a result of red tape had been returned to the exporter on numerous occasions due to administration errors including forms filled out with the wrong ink.

The company claimed that its export operation had been “thrown into chaos” as Brexit rules mean the company has to send fresh fish to Scotland or the north of England before being sent to clients in France. 

Brexit bonanza! Britain poised to unleash £6bn war chest with SIX new deals after EU snub

Britain looks poised to snub the EU after it was banned from its research project by striking deals with six other scientific powerhouses as part of an exciting £6billion alternative.

The UK was supposed to contribute £15billion over seven years to participate in the EU’s Horizon Europe programme, as part of the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

But despite the deal, the bloc told Britain it cannot participate until it resolves its Brexit disputes with the EU.

Researchers and institutions who were promised they could access the huge £80billion pool of funding and collaborate with European partners were left furious by the decision.

But now, the UK is looking to strike deals with at least six other partners, including Switzerland, Israel, and the UK’s Five Eyes partners (the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).

This is part of a “bold Plan B” that Science Minister George Freeman has promised, which he also dubbed his “£6billion Global Britain Science Plan”.

UK to play ‘key role’ in saving EU from energy crisis

The UK is set to play a “key role ” in saving the EU from another energy crisis over winter. 

On Tuesday, the bloc announced plans to be independent from Russian energy “well before the end of the decade”. 

Sine the EU relies so heavily on Russian gas, Dr Jack Sharples from the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies said that the UK can step in to help by exporting gas to the EU. 

He said: “One of the things that we think would happen if Russian supplies to Europe got cut off is that the UK would import a lot more liquified natural gas (LNG) and then pretty much immediately re-export it to continental Europe.

“The LNG terminals in north-western Europe in Dunkirk in France, in Zeebrugge in Belgium and Port Rotterdam in the Netherlands would pretty much go to full import capacity immediately.

“And they would still be trying to suck more gas in, so actually the UK would act as a landbridge allowing more LNG to reach north-west Europe.

Did Bercow accidentally WIN Brexit?

Former speaker John Bercow’s prominence in the political analysis of the 2019 general election may have given Boris Johnson the majority to push on with Brexit, a journalist has suggested. 

Mr Bercow was branded a “serial bully” by an independent investigation this week, before being suspended from the Labour Party. 

GB News presenter Colin Brazier criticised Mr Bervcow’s “obvious partiality” during the election coverage. 

He said: “Bercow’s fall from grace is complete.

“I do wonder at Sky’s decision to have him as their studio commentator for the 2019 election night.

“His obvious partiality in the run-up to the poll was one of the reasons Brexiteers voted in huge numbers.”

Brexit betrayal as UK ‘doubled down’ on EU’s policy: ‘Not what people voted for!’

Boris Johnson has “doubled down” on the EU’s stance on various policies and is not giving people what they voted for Reform UK Deputy Leader Dr David Bull claimed to

The former Tory MP said: “I think the Government has just doubled on where the European Union is. 

“We’re now a high tax, high regulation, low growth economy and you can see that with the fact we’ve got rising inflation, National Insurance [rise] coming in, our tax bills coming up. 

“This isn’t what people voted for!”

EU masterplan to CUT Russia’s gas ‘will backfire’ – bloc warned Putin ready to ‘retaliate’

The EU’s plan to cut its energy ties with Russia will “backfire”, an expert has claimed. 

The bloc published its plan to be independent of Russian energy “well before the end of the decade”. 

Brandon Wiechert, a geopolitical analyst and author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower, told “It is nice to see Europe essentially take one for the team – risking higher energy prices to help to wage economic warfare against the Russians, who are currently violating the territorial sovereignty and integrity of independent Ukraine.

“Sadly, however, I remain convinced that the plan will backfire in Europe’s face – at least in the near term.

“Without enough alternative fuel supplies at the ready to replace the lost Russian supply, the EU plan will backfire in that it will do more harm to Western consumers than it will to Russia.”

‘Poles welcomed 1.2m!’ Ex-EU chief Tusk takes swipe at Boris over UK’s refugee effort

Donald Tusk has criticised the government for its response to the refugee crisis in Ukraine. 

The former European Council President took to Twitter to compare Poland and Britain’s response to Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion. Mr Tusk said: “Solidarity in action.

“The UK has granted 50 visas to the Ukrainian refugees while the Poles have welcomed 1.2 million of Ukrainians in two weeks.

“‘We are generous as we possibly can, we are very, very generous,’ says Boris Johnson.”

Brexit red tape stopping charities from getting supplies to Ukraine

Brexit red tape is stopping small charities from getting supplies to Ukraine. 

A Polish charity in Lewisham has said that three of its vans were stopped from getting on a ferry as they didn’t have the right paperwork. 

Since Brexit, anyone taking commercial quantities of goods to the EU needs to document the individual commodity code for each of their items, as well as the origin and destination of their goods, something that people acting spontaneously in response to the crisis in Ukraine are not likely to know.

Agnieszka Lokaj from the Lewisham Polish Centre charity told the Press Association: “The guys had cover letters from us that this is humanitarian aid with all the information that this is going to be distributed for the refugees, it’s not for reselling; we listed all the items.”

Boris accused of turning away Ukrainian refugees to pander to Brexit voters

Boris Johnson has been accused of turning away refugees in order to pander to anti-immigration voters. 

Former Justice Secretary David Gauke has suggested that the current conflict in Ukraine has exposed the Tory’s “incompetent” foreign policy, and accused it of trying to appeal to xenophobic Brexit voters.

Mr Gauke resigned from the Conservative Party in 2019 after Mr Johnson became Prime Minister and has argued that the UK’s low intake of refugees is its “biggest weakness” in its response to Ukraine. 

He said: “We should be much more generous and we should be welcoming refugees in these circumstances and it is deeply regrettable that we are not.”

Good afternoon

Good afternoon, I’m Olivia Stringer and I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Brexit, for the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected] 

Twitter: @Livstringer_

Remainer launches shameful attack on Boris –says Brexiteers won’t accept Ukraine refugees

Boris Johnson is pandering to Brexit voters by not taking in more Ukrainian refugees, a former Conservative minister has claimed.

Former Justice Secretary David Gauke made the incendiary comments as he lashed out at the Government for “incompetence” in its response to the situation in Eastern Europe. 

The prominent Remainer accused the Prime Minister of deliberately refusing to help take in more refugees to boost his chances at the next election.

Speaking at a seminar on the future of the Conservative party, organised by the Reform Scotland think tank, Mr Guake said Mr Johnson was looking ahead to “a couple of years time when we have got large numbers of Ukrainians here”.

British expats in Spain slammed over 90 day rule issues – ‘English are finished’

British expats in Spain have been told they “can’t have it both ways” over 90-day rule issues. 

Since Brexit, British expats can only stay in Spain for 90 out of every 180 days if they don’t have Spanish residency. 

The rules apply across the Schengen zone. 

Some British expats in Spain have appealed to extend their stay in the country and have even started a petition on spoke to Maria Castro of Costa Luz Lawyers to find out more about the petition.

She said: “The aim is to create an extended stay permit for UK national owners of property in Spain, who have been using it for more than the 90/180 period as a way to retirement, and that, with Brexit, have seen their rights shortened.”

Rejoiners call for ‘re-run’ over ‘Russian interference’

Rejoiners are calling for a “re-run” of the referendum “in the light of Russian interference”. 

There has been accusations of “Russian interference in British elections, which Boris Johnson has denied saying he has seen “absolutely no evidence of successful Russian interference in any election or any electoral event”.

On social media, one remained said: ” Surely in the light of Russian interference in the Brexit vote the referendum should be re-run.

“This time the benefits of being in the EU should be discussed at length which at the time was not done. #BrexitReality #BrexitReality”.

Brexit was not the ‘calamitous event we all feared’, Committee hears

Uncertainty over post-Brexit arrangements for Northern Ireland is “dampening” investment on the island, Irish politicians have been warned.

However, Brexit did not hit the Republic of Ireland as hard as feared, an Oireachtas committee heard on Wednesday.

The meeting of the Oireachtas committee came as the Russian invasion of Ukraine has overshadowed the ongoing negotiations on the post-Brexit arrangements for Northern Ireland.

One Government official told the Committee Brexit was “not the calamitous event that we all feared” attributing it to the “preparedness” of Irish businesses. 

Do YOU think UK should scrap Brexit border checks to allow Ukraine aid through?

Humanitarian aid destined for Ukraine is spending days stuck in lorries in Dover due to Brexit customs.

Grassroots charity workers say five tonnes of donations for Ukraine are still in the UK due to confusion over documentation. Britain’s exit from the EU single market and customs union led to a rise in bureaucracy for imports and exports between the UK and Europe.

Do you think the UK should scrap Brexit border checks to allow Ukraine aid trucks through? Vote in our poll.

Brexit bonanza! Britain poised to unleash £6bn war chest with SIX new deals after EU snub

Britain looks poised to snub the EU after it was banned from its research project by striking deals with six other scientific powerhouses as part of an exciting £6billion alternative.

The UK was supposed to contribute £15billion over seven years to participate in the EU’s Horizon Europe programme, as part of the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

But despite the deal, the bloc told Britain it cannot participate until it resolves its Brexit disputes with the EU.

Researchers and institutions who were promised they could access the huge £80billion pool of funding and collaborate with European partners were left furious by the decision.

But now, the UK is looking to strike deals with at least six other partners, including Switzerland, Israel, and the UK’s Five Eyes partners (the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).

This is part of a “bold Plan B” that Science Minister George Freeman has promised, which he also dubbed his “£6billion Global Britain Science Plan”.

Bell rings on Sefcovic crunch talks – Truss given ‘final deadline’ warning

UK and EU negotiators met in a body known as the Specialised Committee via video link. The group, which focuses on technical issues, makes recommendations to Foreign Secretary Ms Truss and European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič.

They key meeting followed demands for the UK to give Brussels an “absolute deadline” to resolve concerns over the Northern Ireland Protocol.

The Foreign Secretary told MPs the agreement “simply isn’t working” and has resulted in communities in Northern Ireland being “treated unfairly”.

DUP MP Ian Paisley asked Ms Truss in the Commons: “Can I ask the Secretary of State that she recognises the huge damage being done with the protocol, it’s costing £100,000 per hour to businesses in Northern Ireland, it’s damaged the sovereignty of Northern Ireland’s place in the United Kingdom, it’s costing haulage a 27 percent increase in prices. Will the Secretary of State now set a deadline, an absolute deadline to deal with this matter once and for all?”

Ms Truss responded by assuring the house she was dealing with the matter and agreed that the protocol was not working but resisted the demand to set a deadline.

Good morning

Good morning I’m Rachel Hagan, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Brexit for the next few hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected]

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