Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Brexit LIVE: Labour eurosceptics furious at Corbyn poised for U-turn ‘Utterly stupid

The move was welcomed by deputy leader Tom Watson – but maverick Kate Hoey, who has confirmed she is standing down at the next general election, described the decision as “utterly stupid”. Unite, Unison, the GMB, CWU and Usdaw are backing the idea of a “confirmatory vote” on any deal agreed by the Tory government or a no-deal exit from the EU. They also want voters to be given the option to remain in the EU and are calling Labour to back remain, the BBC reported.

Should Labour win a future general election, they want a confirmatory votevote on any new deal negotiated, with Labour’s policy depending on the deal negotiated.

Brexiteer Ms Hoey, who angered her own party by campaigning alongside Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage last year, tweeted: “Utterly stupid. End of @UKLabour in our heartland seats.”

Fellow Eurosceptic John Mann tweeted: “Now put it to a referendum of the union members to confirm this.”

Remainer Mr Watson tweeted: Deputy leader Tom Watson, who has been campaigning for a second vote, tweeted that the decision was a “step in the right direction”, adding: “Remain is who we are. Our values are remain, our hearts are remain.”

Mr Corbyn is under increasing pressure to back a second vote, with ally Diane Abbot saying last week she was “beginning to worry” whether the party had got its strategy right.


8.30am update: Ireland “taking steps” to protect itself from “disorderly Brexit”, says Donohue

Ireland thinks there is now a significant risk of a disorderly Brexit and is taking measures to protect itself from any legal consequences, finance minister Paschal Donohoe said on Tuesday.

Mr Donohoe said: “From the point of view of the Irish government, we now believe that the prospect of a disorderly Brexit occurring is now a significant risk.”

He added that he believed the EU’s new leaders, emerging from elections in May, would keep showing Ireland the same level of support during Brexit talks.

8.11am update: “Seized-up” Parliament needs to be suspended, says MP

Parliament needs to be prorogued to enable to get Brexit over the line – because all Parliamentary business has now “seized up”, a Tory MP has said.

Writing on the Conservative Home website, James Gray, MP for North Wiltshire, said: “We are elected by the people to make laws, and to hold Her Majesty’s Government to account for what they are doing.

“The latter trundles along with Oral Questions every day, and especially through the work of Select Committees. But the former – the making, improvement, or repeal of our laws – has virtually seized up.”

Mr Gray, who was briefly shadow secretary of state for Scotland until he resigned after just one week after saying the Scottish Parliament should be abolished, added: “Prorogation is not some kind of devilish plot to allow Brexit through (or scupper it.) It is an essential part of the Parliamentary drum-beat, without which we who are sent to Westminster to carry out our important job of scrutinising legislation simply cannot do it, not least because there isn’t any.”

8.01am update: Housebuilder brushes aside Brexit uncertainty

Housebuilder Bovis Homes has brushed aside Brexit uncertainty to cheer an “excellent” first half as it reported rising sales and prices.

The group said housing completions rose four percent to 1,647 in the six months to June 30, with average private selling prices rising to around £342,000 up from £334,700 a year earlier.

Total average selling prices rose by three percent to around £270,000.

Its average weekly sales rate per site jumped 15 percent to 0.6, the group added.

7.44am update: Hoey says unions “utterly stupid” to back second referendum

Eurosceptic Labour MP Kate Hoey has attacked five trade unions for their decision to back a second referendum on any future Brexit deal – heaping further pressure on leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The move was welcomed by deputy leader Tom Watson – but maverick Ms Hoey, who has confirmed she is standing down from her Vauxhall seat at the next general election, described the decision as “utterly stupid”.

Unite, Unison, the GMB, CWU and Usdaw are backing the idea of a “confirmatory vote” on any deal agreed by the Tory government or a no-deal exit from the EU.

They also want voters to be given the option to remain in the EU and are calling Labour to back remain, the BBC reported.

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