Thursday, 16 Jan 2025

BREXHAUSTION: Health warning issued due to Brexit stress

Rows between family members, job uncertainty and visa worries have triggered a nationwide fatigue and stress caused by three years of conflict have spawned two new terms called Brexhaustion or Strexit. Manchester Business School professor of organisational psychology Cary Cooper said: “What the country is going through is not a war with Europe. It’s not us against them. It’s internal.” Online meditation provider Headspace told Fox News they have added new medications to help people manage Brexit stress and those challenge conversations between families at war over it and soothing that anxiety when voters feel overwhelmed.

Mike Ward, a London-based therapist, said 40 percent of his patients now bring up Brexit-related issues.

Hypnotherapist Becca Teers echoed this by saying her clients struggle with their lack of control over how Brexit could affect them.

Researchers at the London School of Economics said “subjective well-being,” or happiness, of Britons has plunged since the 2016 referendum regardless of whether they voted Leave or Remain.

They said this is because Brexiteers are frustrated with Prime Minster Theresa May’s handling of Britain’s departure from the bloc and how long it is taking with delay after delay, while Remainers – dubbed Remoaners by Leavers – did not want it in the first place.

BritainThinks researcher Tom Clarkson said, referring to Brexit: “People consistently tell us how worried makes them feel.

“It’s just pessimistic mood music in the background.”

In the latest Brexit news, Mrs May abandoned her Cabinet and Brexiteers during crunch talks with EU leaders to negotiate a Brexit delay.

The Prime Minister told her European counterparts that she could not budge from her request for a short extension without further driving further division within the Government’s top team.

She accepted the bloc’s offer of a six-month extension to its Article 50 exit clause if they allowed Britain the opportunity to cut the period short.

The new date is Halloween and still Mrs May remains adamant she will scrape her controversial deal through Parliament in time.

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