Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Boris Johnson press conference: PM to address nation from No10 with major vaccine update

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Yesterday the Prime Minister confirmed the 15 million most vulnerable in the UK have now been offered a jab, with the Government hitting the target on Saturday, two days ahead schedule. The Government now wants to have inoculated all over-50s by the end of April.

Speaking yesterday Mr Johnson said he would tonight “set out in full the details of the progress we’ve made with vaccinating”.

He added: “No open is resting on their laurels.

“In fact, the first million or so letters offering appointments to the over 65s are already landing on doorsteps.

“We’ve still got a long way to go and there will undoubtedly be bumps in the road.

“But after all we’ve achieved, I know we can go forward with great confidence.”

More to follow…

Source: Read Full Article

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