Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Beth Rigby exposes ‘shattering’ backlash at Boris ‘A big rebellion!’

Boris Johnson facing 'huge rebellion' in Parliament says MP

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Boris Johnson addressed Tory MPs in an attempt to win over potential rebels ahead of the vote on the coronavirus measures. One former minister said his speech “calmed a lot of nerves”, with the Prime Minister stressing that he had been reluctant to impose new measures but the situation was serious. Ms Rigby has revealed the mood music of many Tory MPs following MPs having voted 441 to 41, majority 400, to approve regulations to extend the requirement to wear face coverings to more indoor spaces in England – including museums and galleries.

She said: “We haven’t got this confirmed but the Labour whips are suggesting 101 Tory rebels.

“That’s coming from the Labour party, we haven’t seen the breakdown of the figures but 126 rebels, that looks to me like a very big amount.

“The whips had hoped that they could whittle it down that was the mood music going into the vote but it seems despite that somber and serious mood, the Prime Minister is not minded to give the benefit of the doubt by his party.

“I have to say one very senior Conservative said to me when I asked, ‘is this about the policies or is this about the man?’

“He said it was both. While Conservative MPs do not like these restrictions, they’re also less willing to give the Prime Minister the benefit.”

Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting told Sky News: “The rebellion is huge, it’s far greater than we anticipated.

“The messages that were coming out from the Government all afternoon was that they were managing to reduce the size of the rebellion.

“That is an extraordinary rebellion. Labour has actually carried the day, the Government has lost its majority.

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“We stuck by our word, we promised we would put public health before party politics and we carried the Government over the line.

“I think the size of that vote is a reflection of the shattered authority of Boris Johnson.”

More to follow…

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