Monday, 10 Mar 2025

Russian city mayor sworn in with Star Wars tune

The Russian city of Belgorod is now the Dark Side for an official who resigned after the Star Wars main theme tune was played at the new mayor’s swearing-in.

Belgorod cultural director Lyudmila Grekova said “we decided to replace the music, to have something more modern, but didn’t check where it came from”.

In a YouTube video Mayor Yuri Galdun is announced, then the Star Wars tune blares out and he strides in to take the oath.

Ms Grekova resigned over the “mistake”.

“There was no malicious intent. I myself insist on not having foreign content – and this is the result. We dropped the ball,” she said.

The main theme tune accompanies the opening titles in all the blockbuster Star Wars movies. The iconic score was composed by John Williams.

Mr Galdun appeared unperturbed by the triumphant music, taking the oath confidently seconds after it was played.

Jokes on social media now put the city in western Russia closer to the Galactic Empire, as Mayor Galdun is compared with Darth Vader and other Star Wars characters.

End of Youtube post by Meduza

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