Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

Man Utd Solskjaer song lyrics: What are the words to Ole's at the Wheel?

And fans have been so impressed with his management that he already has a new song ringing around Old Trafford at every home game.

What are the words to the Ole Gunnar Solskjaer song?

Ole's at the wheel

Tell me how good does it feel

We've got Sanchez and Pogba and Fred

Marcus Rashford he's manc born and bred

Duh du, du du du du du

Duh du, du du du du du

The greatest of English football

We've won it all

What was the original version of the song?

Ole's at the Wheel comes from The Stone Roses' 1991 hit Waterfall.

The full lyrics to that song are as follows:

Source: Read Full Article

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