Friday, 18 Oct 2024

Lucky Charms is giving away 15K marshmallow-only boxes

Here’s one for all you overgrown kids whose parents banned breakfast cereals like Lucky Charms for being “full of sugar.”

General Mills announced this week that 15,000 “lucky” winners will truly get a box full of sugar.

The winning boxes will be comprised entirely of the colorful marshmallow components of the cereal, Food and Wine reports, as opposed to the 10 grams of sugar per 3/4 cups found in a normal box. 

Fans of Snoop Dogg’s favorite cereal can look for specially marked promotional Lucky Charms boxes at grocery stores nationwide — and enter the code inside the box at They’ll be informed if they’ve won and their sweet prize will be mailed.

Alas, if these sugar fiends don’t win between now and Sept. 17, it’s back to meticulously picking out all the colorful ‘mallows from the boring oat cereal bits. 

One thing’s for sure: These leprechaun-led marketing gimmicks appear to be working. The 55-year-old cereal with a mischievous, pint-sized pitchman rung up a 20 percent increase in sales in 2018 — making it General Mills’ fastest-growing cereal brand.

“People are loving the marshmallows,” company spokesman Mike Siemienas told The Post last year.

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