Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

John Lithgow & Laurie Metcalf Open Up About New Broadway Play ‘Hillary & Clinton’!

John Lithgow and Laurie Metcalf are on the cover of the latest issue of Variety, out now.

Here’s what the Hillary And Clinton co-stars had to say…

John, on the potential controversy of Hillary And Clinton in an era of contentious and divided politics “If the play is controversial, I would say it’s controversial just in the fact that it’s being done. Because people reflexively think,‘What are the real Bill and Hillary going to think about this play?’”

Laurie, on the effect of setting Hillary And Clinton during the 2008 presidential primary: “There are a few lines at the end of the play that are haunting to me, because we’ve seen the 10 years that these characters have not seen yet. It makes them seem vulnerable, because we know what they don’t know.”

Laurie, on the audience reaction she expects: “If I watched it, I think I would be shocked in places. It’s a comedy with chasms.”

For more from John and Laurie, head to

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