Sunday, 9 Mar 2025

Brooklyn lawmaker: no more ‘outrageous’ late payments for non-profits

A Brooklyn legislator wants to crack down on tardy payments to non-profits that provide services to the needy — and provide them with new assistance when the city fails to cut checks on time.

Councilman Justin Brannan, who chairs the Contracts Committee, plans to introduce three bills Thursday to provide bridge loans, create a new a division in the city’s contracting office to speed processing and require that agencies pay interest on late payments.

“There are some groups that we spoke with that are still waiting to get paid millions of dollars for services they performed years ago, which is just outrageous,” Brannan told The Post.

“These bills… will help ensure timely payments to contractors, penalize city agencies who take too long to make payments and provide much more clarity for our city’s human services providers who do life-saving work for New Yorkers.”

The Post first exposed the city’s epidemic of late payments in a May 2018 story that revealed that the Department of Homeless Services was late processing and paying contracts nearly 80 percent of the time.

Other city agencies were late 59 percent of the time.

The charities told The Post in a January follow-up that things have not improved — despite promises from Mayor Bill de Blasio that the problems would be fixed.

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