Friday, 5 Jul 2024

Baby 'not welcome' in the Danish parliament

Danish politician Mette Abildgaard brought her baby to parliament – and was surprised when the speaker, Pia Kjaersgaard, asked her to take her daughter out.

“I didn’t ask for permission to bring her since I had previously seen another colleague bring a child into the chamber without any problems,” Ms Abildgaard said in a post on Facebook.

“I’ve never brought my daughter to Parliament before, and it wasn’t the plan to do so today. But the baby’s father couldn’t step in this time and shortly before the session I found out I had to vote.”

Through an assistant, the speaker apparently passed Ms Abildgaard a note, which read: “You are not welcome with your baby in the parliament’s chamber.”

The demand came as something as a surprise in progressive Denmark, which ranks as one of the best countries in the world for women, though some suggest the reality shows a more nuanced picture than a ranking can paint.

Ms Abildgaard gave the baby to an assistant and returned for the vote.

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